Facebook Censorship Rampage in June 2018 smashes 84 accounts with 40 million followers!

[Here is some fascinating documentation of the massive Facebook rampage! The size of it is incredible. This is just the

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S.Africa: Vice President: I like White people; Dead White people are peaceful!

[NB: Notice the abbreviation “Cde” – that is for Comrade. All these black communist scum use that term for each

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Jewish Secret Police: GOP lawmaker wants answers on FBI’s alleged Southern Poverty Law Center ties

[Its about time some of these questions are asked. Jews infiltrate and subvert everything. Jews even train the Police on

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What was the worst period in S.African history? You decide…

[Here’s a very good meme someone did. Jan]

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S.Africa: Blacks who illegally seized land south of Johannesburg were driven off violently!

[“Red Ants” are a Govt unit that evict blacks under various circumstances. The Red Ants can be more violent than

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Jewish Family Values: Violent, deranged, inbred, feral Jewess Sarah Silverman making light of child molestation & rape!

[Jews can continue to make “Jewish values” acceptable to whites, but the nature of this filthy race of degenerates flies

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USA: Bloodless Coup? New Adirondack Republic in New York – to break Jewish influence

[I know the American who is behind this move. Its one of our people trying something bold. This is a

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Help these Whites: Black Politicians who incite hate speech & Genocide against Whites! – S.Africa

[This is a message that is doing the rounds. Perhaps you can help these men who want to take these

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Jewish scum at work: New Hampshire, 94 Percent White, Asks: How Do You Diversify a Whole State?

[Another day in the life of the Jewish New York Times! Jews doing what they love the most, harming whites,

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[One of my readers pointed me to this article by Mike Walsh. I’m in definite agreement with him on this

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