Zionist Jews ‘Confident’ Evangelical Christians Will Continue To Financially Support Israel Despite Gaza Sla ughter


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If we take Yael Eckstein’s word for it, the recent slaughter in Gaza won’t affect the “unconditional” support that Israel receives from duped evangelical Christians — at least according to a recent wishful-thinking op-ed she wrote for the Jerusalem Post:

We still do not know who the next government of Israel will be, and the truth is, it does not matter. What I have unquestionably learned, is that Christian love for Israel is unconditional.

For 36 years, my father Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein (OBM) spent his life representing millions of Christians, who had the solitary goal of praying for and supporting Israel. His vision, passion, and lifework was to foster strategic friends for Israel, whose support would be unwavering. And indeed, that support has never changed with the changing governments.

Two years ago, when my father suddenly died, many people wondered if The Fellowship would fall apart or weaken, without my father to lead. Humbly, I knew that it wouldn’t. And that is because the Christian support for Israel that The Fellowship has developed, is unconditional. It’s bigger than my father, it’s bigger than me, and it’s bigger than any prime minister who temporarily takes on that enormous, holy calling and mission on behalf of the state of Israel.

Over the past two years, The Fellowship has miraculously seen our donor base double, prayer support for Israel skyrocket, and a younger generation of Christians getting involved

As for The Fellowship, we will continue to work day and night to engage, inspire, and involve Zionist Christians to continue to stand with Israel. We will continue our policy of being apolitical, and working closely with whatever government is elected, to help the humanitarian and security needs of the people of Israel.

Earlier this week, when I toured southern Israel and saw the homes destroyed by rockets, the lives ruined, and the threats at our doorsteps, I felt proud that the fellowship and our 2 million donors have donated over $100 million to security initiatives in the past 15 years. But I also felt painfully inspired anew, not just to continue our tangible work saving lives, but also to engage and grow our community of Christians who stand with the people of Israel in prayer and action, no matter what.

The Fellowship is the largest humanitarian organization in Israel. We have helped over 2 million Jewish people worldwide in 2020 alone, and have donated close to 2 billion dollars to Jewish causes since 1986. We have millions of supporters, with that number growing by the day. And what I can tell the people of Israel, is that I will continue doing everything I can, to strengthen the state and people of Israel, no matter who is in power. I make this pledge, backed by millions of our faithful, modest, passionate Christians friends.

What the unprecedented success of The Fellowship comes to show, is that Christian love for Israel is unconditional. Our huge responsibility as Jews, Zionists, and people who want only the best for our Holy Land, especially as we approach the auspicious three weeks of mourning, is to continue to foster, recognize, and appreciate this ‘ahavat chinam’ – unconditional love – for Israel and her people.

What Eckstein claims about “unconditional love” for “Israel” may be true for older — Baby Boomer — evangelical Christians, but recent polls show a coming disaster for Israel public relations among younger Christians.

These evangelicals are following the lead of U.S. lawmakers who have made all financial aid to Israel unconditional — and if any lawmaker expects accountability — i.e. conditions — in exchange for that aid, they are smeared as antisemites — and run out of office in the next election cycle.

According to poll conducted in April 2021 by the University of North Carolina, only 33.6% of evangelical Christians under the age of 30 side with Israel in the ongoing slaughter of the Palestinians.

And keep in mind, this poll was conducted before the most recent Israeli attacks in Gaza — which probably drove the numbers of support even lower — much lower.

The results of this 2021 poll reflect a massive drop in support over just 3 years — in 2018 that same age group showed 69% support of Israel, according to a poll by the Times of Israel — which admittedly might be a little skewed, but not by 50%.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Ron Dermer, acknowledged that Jewish Americans are far more critical of Israel than white evangelical Christians — a fact that doesn’t seem to raise any red flags for these evangelicals.

Boomer Christian evangelicals finance a whopping one-third of Jewish immigration to Israel — aside from insisting on “unconditional” support for Israel for any “Republican” candidate for president in the U.S. — as we saw with Donald Trump.

Ironically, almost 50% of evangelical Christians support a “two-state solution” to the “conflict” — which would seem to undermine their fantastical End Times eschatology — will Palestinians still living in “eretz Israel” discourage Jesus from returning to gather up all his faithful rapture bunnies in the sky?

Evangelicals have been sent a “strong delusion” into supporting anti-Christ Jews and the genocide in Palestine — Jews who — by their own admission — are not the Jews of the Old Testament — just as Jesus Himself warned there would be.

But then again, most Christians — not just evangelicals — rarely allow what the Scriptures actually say to get in the way of what they believe.

Source: https://christiansfortruth.com/zionist-jews-confident-evangelical-christians-will-continue-to-financially-support-israel-despite-gaza-slaughter/

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