Zimbabwe: 750 Elephants poisoned using cyanide! – Blacks sell Elephants & wildlife to China!


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Ted Pike did excellent work decades ago. I‘ve watched his videos.

[This is from a recent newsletter by Johnny Rodriguez from Zimbabwe. The black commies don’t give a flying fuck about the wildlife. They just make money and they don’t care what damage they do to the environment! I found the above photo of an elephant from Zimbabwe performing in a Chinese circus! Jan]



Only after the last tree has been cut down.

Only after the last river has been poisoned.

Only after the last fish has been caught.

Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.

Cree Indian Prophecy

Zimbabwe lost approximately 750 elephants to cyanide poisoning along the SAVE River in the south eastern part of the country. Poisoning elephants results in a significant secondary loss of carnivores, vultures, and other species of birds and animals. The authorities have NOT managed to control or stop the use of poison, especially cyanide.  The poisoning of elephants occurred far too often for at least three to four years.  The damage being done to animals and their habitats will not be recoverable.

The Government Ministers, Military Officers, Prison Service Officers and other VIPs are lining their pockets with monies derived from poached ivory and game skins.  These individuals are thought to engage in these activities due to the possibility that

ZANU- PF might lose the elections in August. The Government does not appear to enforce the laws or the Wildlife Act as the practice of profiting from poached ivory and animals is so widespread.  It seems to be a “free for all.”

One solution would be for all Ministers and individuals in high positions to declare their assets and the manner in which they obtained their wealth.  For those who decline to declare their assets, an investigation into their financial dealings should commence. Corruption appears to run deep. Assets from individuals who cannot explain their fortunes should be frozen until an investigation is completed and they are cleared from wrongdoing.

The Ministers and/or their families who have camps near Safari areas or Wildlife Parks seem to be benefiting from the influx of trophy hunters from South Africa.  Monies gleaned from these hunters from hunting quotas and license permits seems questionable. This practice appears to be happening all over the country with no apparent controls in place.

Zimbabwe continues to export her treasured wildlife. They recently exported crocodiles, elephants and other wildlife to zoos in Dubai and China.

*****URGENT*************  We are in urgent need of donations in order to continue our work. If you can and wish to make a donation – please respond to this email with the subject line ”  I WISH TO MAKE A HELP ZCTF”  and we will send instructions . Thanks you and God Bless. 

Please feel free to contact me: 

Johnny Rodrigues at ZCTF: Phone: 351 962 064 646 

Email- [email protected] 

Skype: Johnny Rodrigues44 

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2004: After White Farmers chased out of Zim: 100 White Zim Farmers create 4,118 Jobs in Mozambique
After Mugabe chased White Farmers out of Zimbabwe, small groups of them went to other worthless Black countries and made a massive, positive impact.

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