You can never trust a Jew: Henry Makow the lying good Jew – And Good Jew Michael Savage


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Video: DWUMS: Defenseless White Urban Males & Learned White Helplessness
I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.

Whites, you can NEVER, NEVER, NEVER trust a Jew. I was reading a commentary a while ago where a White guy had been monitoring the Good Jew Henry Makow. And by the way there are other good Jews, and if you watch them you’ll see that at some point these Jews begin misleading Whites. Ben Shapiro is another one. But there are others. There’s a conservative Jew who is a Good Jew, and that is Michael Savage. He’s the one who says Liberalism is a Mental Illness. This is true. But it’s a Jewish mental illness. In reality it’s not even a mental illness. It’s really just Jewish BS to mislead White Americans into Diversity. Jews need to FOOL WHITE AMERICANS INTO BELIEVING DIVERSITY AND BLACKS HAVE BENEFITS. That’s all. It’s just a Jewish con game. All of Liberalism is just a Jewish con game to fool Whites. Whites are almost never Liberal by nature.

Anyhow, returning to Henry Makow the Good Jew. A White guy was monitoring him and how he’s writing good stuff and then suddenly the White guy noted that Henry Makow claims the world is being seized by … the Illuminati! So right at the end, the good Jew flinches, and to use a term invented by Tan Staafl – the Jew does some Jewish DEFLECTION and he deflects us away from the truth about JEWS, JEWS, JEWS seizing control of the world and seizing control of everything.

I’m warning you, that you can never trust these people. They are fakes and they will knife Whites in the back in the end.

I do my utmost to never quote Jews except under extreme duress when I have no other sources.

Whites are also wasting their time by trying to meet Jews half way. Hitler in Mein Kampf spoke at length about why you must never strike deals when you are building a political party.

Don’t fall for the "let’s be friends" and "let’s strike a deal" trap.

Stay White, and hang in there. You’ll see the benefits.

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Video & Audio: The Big Battle: How White Rhodesians relearned warfare the Ancient Greek way
Modern Western War is really a direct offshoot of the intensive, decisive, quick battles that the Ancient Greeks waged among themselves.

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