WW2: The Germans are magnificent and smart even in DEFEAT:
Video: White Socialism WORKS: The Incredible German Christians, the Hutterites!
Youve been lied to about socialism and been misled into believing that only capitalism works. In this video youll see modern White Christians in Canada and America who function on socialist principles and youll be stunned at how well they live.
[WW2, was the time when the Higher White man was defeated by the Lower man, led by the filthy Jewish garbage. It is so disgusting that such fine White men as these Germans must surrender to the Jew-loving idiots. These Germans are magnificent and they're not cry babies like the worthless sacks of Jewish shit that ran away and spent all the following decades inventing tall tales and utterly outrageous lies about them! The Germans also put their hearts and souls and their love of creativity into the things they created and did. You are seeing the last proud White men surrendering to lower scum. This trend needs to be reversed. Jan]
Here’s the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVEnteNh2OU&t=337s
Africa: Witchcraft fears: Newborn babies bashed to death
Blacks in Africa believe the craziest Witchcraft nonsense. In this story you will see the kind of junk they believe and then if need be they kill their own babies.