Video: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: The reason why Jews HATED Apartheid like NAZIs
In this video we listen to a longer piece where Kasrils explains the 2 major reasons why he decided to fight against Apartheid.
I sent this note to an American who posted a lovely cartoon which explained the difference between a Right Wing cartoon (which is rational and is using logic), versus a Left Wing cartoon (which shows Whites as having small heads & big thick arms and they have guns and have militia & swastika symbols). I replied: @Peter This is very good. Take special note of the small heads in the left wing cartoon. It is to show that the Whites are STUPID. Stupid but strong – the enemy are mostly Jews and weak Liberal nerds. Our side has the strong white guys but they are misrepresented as STUPID. But don’t be fooled by any of this nonsense. THE RIGHT WING SHOULD BE WINNING EVERYWHERE. The Right Wing just lacks the "sophistication" – i.e. the mental cunning and agility to deal with the Left Wing and (((Liberal))) ENEMIES. Don’t be fooled by this. The WHITE RIGHT WING CAN WIN ALL ACROSS THE WESTERN WORLD ESPECIALLY IN THE USA. But don’t think that MAGA is Right Wing. We need the REAL RIGHT WING TO WIN. THE NAZIS MUST WIN EVERYWHERE. THEY ARE THE ONLY TRUE WHITES WHO STAND UP FOR PROPER VALUES. DON’T be fooled into thinking other rubbish and nonsense. ONLY THE NAZIS HAVE THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE & DETERMINATION TO DEFEAT OUR ENEMIES ON ALL FRONTS. The normal Right Wing is too weak, too easily controlled.
Video & Audio: What is Friedrich Nietzsches Superman? Why is he VERY IMPORTANT?
Nietzsche was at university studying theology to become a Christian Pastor. But then, he changed his mind. What exactly was the motivation behind the work of Nietzsche? Why was he writing these strange new books?