Why IS it the Jews? – A Thorough Essay


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This is a classic book from 1966. Douglas Reed was an excellent, truth-telling White journalist and author who dared to write books telling the raw truth about many things. In 1936, he was in Europe and wrote a book warning that WW2 was coming. In 1966, he was in Rhodesia, and he wrote a similar book, wherein he warned of the coming war in Africa. There are many things he wrote in this book which have been forgotten. He writes about the two-faced British and of the insanity of America.

[This is a Christian essay on the matter. Jan]

The world has problems. Countries have problems. People have problems. Society has problems.

Who is to blame? The people who control things? But who is that? Is it a person, a group, a secret society, a race?

Most people have no idea. Some will say ‘the elite’, which is not specific.

You probably have heard the phrase “It’s the Jews!”

SO…Why is it the Jews?

Are those who say “It’s the Jews” anti-Semitic (which is an incorrect term, Jews are not Semites)? Are they just trying to blame the Jews for all these problems for no reason? Why are some people so against the Jews?

What did the Jews ever do?

This study and report will answer these questions.

You will not see any of this information on the TV mental-governing Programming. You will likely not have ever heard of much or any of this information because this kind of information is suppressed and labelled conspiracy theories or hate speech.

This document is not HATE SPEECH. This document is simply providing all the information you need to think for yourself and make up your own mind.

Facts are Facts. Trees are judged according to their fruits. History and traits repeat themselves. A leopard does not change it’s spots. The Truth is Always Controversial.

ALL of these “accusations” are backed up by the actions you can plainly see, backed up by the records, agendas, and documents you can plainly see, and backed up by the interviews, quotes, boasting, and admissions by Jews themselves.

Ask yourself these questions.

Have the Jews ever been a blessing to the world? Have the Jews ever done anything good? Are the Jews for Christ and for Christianity? Do the Jews have any works that show them to be edifiers rather than destroyers?

Just to be clear, yes, there are wicked people in every race. Even white people can be wicked. But the facts remain, no other race or people have a record like the Jews, or even close to it.

Blacks have certain traits that as a people, as a whole, are obvious. The Jews use the blacks because they are easily provoked. If this report was about the blacks, then it would prove and show from law enforcement statistics that the murder rate, rape, robbery, theft, aggravated assault, and simple assault is higher, way higher than any of the other races. Black on White robbery and rape are both 70 times more likely than White on Black robbery and rape. Blacks use protests to riot and steal. The blacks never built a society or country or an empire, and when we helped them they always reverted back to their old ways. Whites, or the other races, don’t try to live in black countries or societies or try to change their laws or traditions, or live off welfare in their countries. All nations do not flow into their countries. Blacks did not bring the Gospel to the world or have been a blessing to the world. But the blacks are not why the world has problems. Blacks aren’t the money lenders, law makers, propagandists, child traffickers and sacrificers, corporation owners, and movie and News media producers.

Mexicans are a certain people and have certain customs. If this report was about the Mexicans, then it would prove the crimes Mexicans are usually involved in, which is murder, robbery, and sexual assault. Illegal Immigration and drug trafficking is also a big problem. Whites and other races don’t try to live in Mexico and try to change their laws or traditions, or live off welfare in their country. All nations do not flow into Mexico. Mexicans did not bring the Gospel to the world or have been a blessing to the world. Mexicans are not why the world has problems. They aren’t the money lenders, law makers, propagandists, child traffickers and sacrificers, corporation owners, and movie and News media producers.

Asians are a certain people with certain customs. Asians are actually quite low on crimes, because they are either peaceful meditating and civilized, or are hive-mind programmed government-controlled slaves under Communism. Whites and other races don’t try to live in Asian countries, change their laws and traditions, or live off welfare in their countries. Asians did not bring the Gospel to the world or blessed the world. The Asians aren’t the money lenders, law makers, propagandists, child traffikers and sacrificers, corporation owners, and movie and News media producers.

Arabs are race-mixed descendants of Ishmael and have their traits and beliefs. They are many of the Illegal Immigrants invading Europe and America through the open border policies regulated by our politicians. Rape, especially of white women, is a very high statistic of Arabs, along with violence, terrorism, and suicide bombings, and a good percentage of Arabs approve of violence for religious ends. Whites and the other races don’t try to live in the Middle East and change their laws and traditions, or live off welfare in their countries. The Arabs did not bring the Gospel to the world or have been a blessing to the world. They aren’t the money lenders, law makers, propagandists, child traffickers and sacrificers, corporation owners, and movie and News media producers.

Whites are an absolute minority of welfare recipients, just 27% of the total. There are more blacks and Hispanics on welfare than whites. Whites are an absolute minority of food stamp users, Medicaid, and public housing (HUD).

Now White people have certain traits as well. But we also are not the money lenders, law makers, propagandists, child traffickers and sacrificers, corporation owners, and movie and News media producers.

All the races and non-white peoples try to live in America and the other white nations of Europe, and change our laws and traditions and our values, and live off our welfare system. All nations flow into America because America is the regathering place of all 12 tribes of Jacob Israel just as prophesied. White people brought the Gospel to the world and have been a blessing to the world. We fit all the marks of true Israel. We white people are numbered as the stars of the sky and the sand of the seashore. The Jews are not numbered as the stars or sand. We are a great and mighty nation. Israel is a small and dishonorable land and not even considered a nation. We have a new home and place of our own. The Jews still live in the cursed land of Jesus’ spilled blood. We live in the islands and coasts of the earth. The Jews don’t. We are many nations and are a company of nations of white kinsmen throughout Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The Jews are just a small counterfeit nation that isn’t even officially a nation, because God said they would never be a nation or have a place of their own. We were prophesied to colonize and spread abroad. When have the Jews ever colonized and spread abroad? The only spreading of the Jews is an infectious spreading of destroying white socieities. Our lands have great mineral and agricultural wealth. Israel does not. Jews are not farmers, and God cursed Cain from the earth which would not produce for him or his children. We are ignorant to our relationship to God and lost trace of our lineage until the great revealing comes. Why do you think we identify as transGentiles? It’s the Jews that claim to be God’s people and masquerade as God’s people. We are the custodians of the Oracles of God. The Jews perverted the Oracles of God and turned the Laws of Moses into Talmudic Judaism. We carried the Gospel to all the world and are His witnesses. The Jews never brought the Gospel anywhere and they deny Christ. We are kind to the poor and set slaves free. The Jews are ruthless, merciless and enslave the world. We are the nations of Israel and have all the marks of true Israel. The Jews, and the other races, do not match a single mark.

White people are the nation builders, innovators, and law abiders throughout history. As a whole, we are the most compassionate of all races. But we do bad things too. We are easily deceived, just like our mother Eve was. We fall for things that seem right, or seem to be good, but are in fact and in reality not good. The devil seemed good and right to Eve, quite a handsome devil, pleasant to the eye, and very enchanting, and look what happened.

Many of the things white people are blamed for are actually things the Jews did. Some examples are Slavery. The Jews owned the slave ships and brought the blacks over and have successfully changed history to demonize white people for slavery and oppression caused by the Jews. Crimes against humanity (when most of them are not done by actual white people). We are blamed for the atrocities against the Indians. We are blamed for the oppression of the other races, yet we have allowed the other races into our white countries with open arms, fed the world, brought civilization and sanitation, law and order, and they turned around and rent us.

We do easily participate in that which is not holy. We adopted Canaanite practices in ancient times. We (our ancient Judahite Judaean ancestors) took part in the Jewish instigated, arrest, trial, verdict, and orchestrated murder of Christ.

Oh, we are not innocent. We went along with the enchanting whisperers and served them, whether ignorantly as a whole or deliberately as individuals. Many of our own people are race-traitor two-fold children of hell that chose to gain money, fame, and power by licking the boots of the children of the Wicked One. Why do you think all the stars, the elite, and secret societies are Satan worshipers? The Devil rewards those who follow him.

But nobody, …nobody, has a record like the Jews do, as a whole, as a people. No other race has been kicked out of countries 109 times, or 359 times, or a 1000 times, as some sources can show. Not even the blacks were ever kicked out of a country for their rascality, or the Mexicans, Arabs, or the Asians.

But the Jews, as a whole, have been kicked out of countries over 109 times because they are a certain type of people who do certain things and who are all born from of that Wicked One.

The Jews are not the Israel of the Bible, they did not bring the Gospel anywhere, they are not compassionate, they hate all races, and they deny Yahshua Messiah. They also hide behind the guise of philanthropy and charity. Just because someone who is extremely wealthy and donates money does not mean they are good, or that their money is used for good.

Are ALL Jews wicked? Do all snakes bite (yes)? Will all snakes bite (no)? Do all snakes actively slither around looking to bite someone’s heel (no)? All Jews are not actively wicked. Sure, there are some “good” Jews that don’t do evil. That don’t hate the goyim. These would be your average neigborhood Jews. It’s the lesser Jews that don’t matter to their own people. It’s the Big Jews that run the show. The ones with the Money and Influence. The Jews that are in high places, actively doing evil, and deceiving, lying, cheating, stealing, poisoning and corrupting everything the Christian white man established, that are doing their father’s desires. Actively planning evil agendas to control the world and everyone in it. And doing their job very well. Isn’t it obvious?

Freemasonry, Jesuits, the Illuminati, are all Jewish societies and fraternities which have shaped the world to their liking.

America, and the once white European nations, were once Christian nations founded and governed by white men under common law, which is Biblical law.

The Byzantine Empire was a Christain society that lasted almost 1200 years, until the Jews infiltrated, gained seats of power, and changed the laws, traditions, and values, just like they do in every society they creep into.

This is why the Jews were not allowed to live among white society. The Jews can’t help it because everywhere they go, they corrupt the system. It’s what they do because it is what they are. They are subverters, parasites, and corruptors. The Jew was not allowed to teach, lend money, hold office, or have any influence over society, because the Jews are the ones that destory every society with their usury, gambling, porn, ungodly entertainment, medical malpractice, religious corruption, and Jewish values, all of which are opposite of Christian values.

USURY Talmud IV / 2 / 70b ?? “The Jew is allowed to practice usury on the Non-Jew”

Even our founding Presidents knew the traits of Jews. Benjamin Franklin was just one of them who warned us:

"I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jew forever, your children`s children will curse you in your grave."

"Their ideas are not those of Americans. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are a danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil its institutions." "They should be excluded by the Constitution."

There is a reason why the Jews are repeatedly kicked out of countries throughout history. No other race has that trait or record.

Think of it as a Day Care center. The world is the Day Care Center. You have the owner(s), the manager(s), the workers, and 7 billion children. Who runs the DayCare center? Who makes the decisions, the schedule, the rules? Who enforces the rules and regulations? Not the 7 billion children.

Now what if this Day Care center was run by Catholic priests, or Merchants and Profiteers, or just plain evil people? Well, then wouldn’t you think that all the children would be touched, sold, and enslaved? And chances are they wouldn’t get good natural food, clean water, fresh air, and affordable homes. They would be controlled, regulated, chipped, vaccinated and poisoned. They would get a cookie when they are good little Order-followers.

So who is controlling, regulating, chipping, vaccinating and poisoning everybody? If you follow the crumbs, you will find the cookie monster.

The writing is on the wall, and if you can’t see it, then unless you look into what is presented here, you may not ever see it.

In case you were not aware, the Jews DO own and run everything. But most people say it’s because they are smart, that they are great businessmen, and they are very influential.

Well, they are. God didn’t say they were “more subtil than any beast of the field” for nothing when He was speaking to their father the serpent.

Christ didn’t say “I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves, be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” for nothing.

Yes, the Jews are called serpents, foxes, wolves, brute beasts, spots in your feasts, vagabonds, international wanderers, scorcerers (which means pharmacists), magicians, the merchants of the earth, clouds without water, trees with withered and dead fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, broken cisterns, raging waves of the sea, wandering stars, wells without water, tares, and children of the Wicked One.

When you understand The Way in which Yahweh God instructed for us you should be able to see that the way the Jews instruct for us is opposite of The Way Yahweh commanded.

This life is a test, to see if we will obey the Most High Yahweh God and follow His instructions. The Jews are the ones who teach against what God commanded.

Yahweh did not want racial integration and race-mixing. Yahweh did not want usury and ungodly merchandise and international commerce. Yahweh did not want food, animals, nature, and people Genetically Modified. Yahweh did not want more regulations and laws made in addition to the less than 800 laws He established. Yahweh did not want Jewish values replacing Christian values. Yahweh did not want us to seek pharmaceuticals and the Medical Mafia for health and healing. Yahweh did not want satanic witchcraft, violence, and porn to be entertainment. Yahweh did not want the Planned Parenthood offices of Molech to continue killing and aborting babies. Yahweh did not want Christianity to be turned into 33,000 denominations or mixed with Judaism. Yahweh did not want gays and transgenders to have any rights, or even to live!

Leviticus 18:22 ?? You shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

20:13 ?? If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Romans 1:24 ?? Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: ??

1:26 ?? For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (lesbians)

1:27 ?? And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another (queers); men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. ?? (the result: sexual diseases)

1:32 ?? Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

1Corinthians 6:9 ?? Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators (G4205- male prostitutes, whoremongers), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (womanish, unmanly), nor abusers of themselves with mankind (homos),

6:10 ?? Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. ?? (Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3)

2Peter 2:6 ?? And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly;

Hebrews 13:4 ?? Marriage is honourable in all (valuable in every way), and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers (G4205- male prostitutes, fornicators) and adulterers God will judge.

Yet, the Jews are the ones that have led the charge of homosexuality, polluting, defiling, profaning, and contaminating everything God created and commanded. The Jews have done this in every single empire, nation, country, and society, throughout history because this is what Jews do.

If you look at history up to the present, it is the white race which built empires, brought law and order to society, sanitation, are civilized, are the farmers and cultivators, inventors and innovators, and we have spread Christianity.

I know most people cannot see it, and most don’t even want to see it, or acknowledge it, and that is the reason why the Jews have hegemony today. It was also prophesied that Esau would take the dominion in the latter days.

Genesis 27:40 ?? (Isaac speaking to Esau) And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

The Jews now have the dominion.

Have you ever heard of the Hegalian Dialectic?

Basically, it’s when a problem arises, often manufactured by some type of false flag or pre-planned event, then there is a reaction, and then a solution. The solution(s) is(are) put forth by those who created the problem. Problem-Reaction-Solution. It’s manipulation, it’s brainwashing, it’s used to further an agenda(s). It’s torture. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3yk3xezML8Q/ (report on torture)

Jews state that the Hegalian dialectic is ‘their only way out’. The philosophy is the cornerstone of Jewish ideology.


You can read the rest here: https://www.thinkoutsidethebeast.com/why-is-it-the-jews/


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