Why I don’t believe Trump is a plant …


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Video: The Greatest Terrorist attack on South Africa: SAA Flight 295: The Helderberg 1987
I wrote about The destruction of this Boeing 747 in my book Government by Deception. I made a multi-part video about it. I am fully aware of the junk stories people claim about it. I stand firmly by my original analysis.

In an email discussion and American lady said this:
Sorry, I don’t believe that Trump is a plant. Unnecessary! If he had been, he would have had the full cooperation of the Deep State. If we can be fooled so easily (and we can!) they hardly needed to go through all they have gone through since 2015!


I responded:
I agree with Valerie. I have just been working on 2 videos 30 minutes long about key things relating to trump.

1) How many of you have seen the speech Trump gave in the White house about the stolen election? He gave it over Xmas. He speaks in great detail and then he speaks about the strange spikes that occured after midnight in various locations and how those strange spikes allowed Biden to win by just enough. Now some time back I saw a video that some technical guys did on the Arizona voting fraud. I am a computer programmer, and they showed how they got the data. The data was hidden inside the official websites. When you look at a website, you are seeing a visual view of "html and javascript" which is behind the page. The real data lies in the html and javascript. Those guys showed the data inside the html/javascript and they analysed it. They pointed to these strange spikes. I have a video about it. Anyhow when Trump speaks about these sudden spikes that came in at various times – he is dead right. That is how they did it. The computer data supports this, and it’s even hidden inside some of the official website data that is out there.

2) I was watching a video by a guy named Keith Olbermann, and also by others including a bunch of Jews. I’m telling you, the elite and the Jews are going to DESTROY DONALD TRUMP. THEY ARE GOING TO DESTROY HIM and hunt down all his supporters. That campaign of intimidation has already been working for several weeks. That’s why attorneys suddenly flaked out. That’s why politicians are themselves turning. There is a massive force of power that is at work. It has to be the WASP ELITE+JEWS. They are out to DESTROY TRUMP. I listened carefully to what Olbermann said. He said this early in October. He said that Trump must be "expunged" and destroyed and also his followers (the maggots) and his enablers – must all be destroyed. These people are definitely coming for the White right. They are filled with hatred.

It would be fascinating to know who is driving this. But there have to be seriously powerful people behind all this. The Elite is busy seizing America from the Whites.

Americans are going to be in a WAR for WHO OWNS AMERICA. The ElitE+Jews with a multiracial following or the WHITES who created America.

I will return to this topic. This is a case of international (Jewish) business + elite versus Whites who are nationalists. This is BUSINESS vs Patriotism.

International Business must be destroyed. It is killing our race. Jews are the driving force of course.

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Video: NEW! DNA Proof that Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew & Jewish Lies about Lewis Carr
Here is the final DNA proof as well as actual photo of the Jew who was Jack the Ripper and the horrific story of this evil, hate-filled Jew. The Author of Alice in Wonderland was a very clever Englishman who was on to the Jews.

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