Why do we rush to embrace Putin? Russia has killed more Whites than any other nation
Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.
I just want to say, when I look at the various angles Whites are taking on the Russia/Ukraine war, there are many deeper points. I have been pondering the various ways one can look at this.
People on different sides do have valid points. But there are also other points which we need to think about. And I think there is also confusion.
For example, Ukraine is known for it’s corruption. But the Ukrainians are 100% European as I see it. They’re proper Europeans – fully. Whereas Russia is an Empire and only about, say 60% of Russians are European. Look at Putin’s own face for example. He’s got a kind of Mongol/Asian look.
But if Ukraine is fully European then why do we have a homosexual Jew rat who is the leader of European people? Well, we know Soros was behind that. But even so. We should NOT have a Jew rat ruling a White Nation.
Also, I do think, we shouldn’t be too quick to embrace the Russians. If you look at the Russians and what they did after the Jewish Bolsheviks took control. The Russians did more harm to Western civilisation than any nation in history possibly. I’m serious. The Russians killed more Whites than anyone in history. The Russians have done so much harm to Europe and to Whites everywhere.
The Russians murdered over 60 million White Christians. In Vietnam, 50,000 Americans died, probably most of them White men. Who was behind Vietnam and supplied Vietnam with the weapons and ammo to kill Americans? Russia. Who was the key player in breaking White power in Africa from the equator down to South Africa? Russians?
What about Finland? The Russians invaded and smashed a little White nation that was minding it’s own business. What of 2 million or so, German women who were raped and in some cases killed by Soviets – perhaps by Asian types more than Russians. How many White men died on Soviet soil in WW2 trying to get rid of Jewish Bolshevism? How many Romanians, Italians, Spanish, Fins and of course Germans died on Russian soil in WW2 trying to destroy the evil Soviet Union?
How many wars did the Soviets start? The Soviets started DOZENS of REVOLUTIONS by the early 1920s across the world – from Hungary, to South Africa to even Canada can you believe?
When the Russians were under Jewish control, they did the most demented, cruel, nastiest things on the face of the Earth. And WHITES were victims on a scale never before seen in history.
The Russians have more White blood on their hands than anyone else.
As demented as dumb America is, at the hands of Jews, even idiotic foolish America has not killed as many Whites as the Russians did. Yes, America betrayed and brought down many, and also KILLED Germans needlessly. But truly, when you add up the body count – should we just forget that perhaps close to 100 million Whites have died at the hands of the Russians?
The Russians have done more harm to European civilisation by far, than even the anti-White, Jew-ridden British.
Putin has said he’s busy with Denazification. That’s not pro-White.
And what of the AZOV Battallion who are White NAZIS in Ukraine? Shouldn’t we be supporting them?
I think there are many deeper issues in this discussion.
There are many more aspects to ponder in this Ukraine war. I, personally, think it is disgusting that a homosexual Jew rat runs Ukraine. I think the Jew rat and other Jew rats need to be thrown out of Ukraine. What if Ukraine was ruled by a genuine European? Wouldn’t that be better?
I am aware of the Jew tainting of all this. But I do think the body count of vast numbers of dead Whites and DESTROYED WHITE NATIONS needs to be considered.
Most of you probably don’t even know that the Soviets started revolutions and killing in DOZENS of NATIONS – on EVERY CONTINENT. They weren’t talking. They were KILLING.
Politics and talk is one thing, but when you put people in their graves, that’s a whole different business. As demented and insane and faggoty as the USA is, even it, even the dumb British, did not kill so many Whites.
You can say: Well the Russians were under Jewish control. Well, the Americans are under Jewish control. Are the dumb retarded Americans busy killing people by the million in gulags? How many Whites has America shot into pits? The Russians killed vast numbers of people.
And what of the Russians murdering 5 million+ Ukrainians during the holodomor? How hideous was that?
Did the Ukrainians INVADE RUSSIA? NO!
Donbass, Crimea, etc – that is legally inside Ukraine.
And we want to run off to embrace Putin in a heartbeat?
Would Hitler approve of us supporting Putin, do you think?
Video & Audio: S.Africas 2nd Last (Boer) President: PW Bothas Last Public Interview (2006)
PW Botha is a Boer who became the 2nd last President under Apartheid. He was the man most responsible for the immense, first class military force known as the SADF. The SADF was the most powerful military force in all of Africa.