Why do Jews hate whites? – Why ALL interactions with Jews are a total waste of time
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
This American Christian woman exposed the Jews massively in this book in 1963. Later versions of the book had chunks removed regarding the evil Jewish Talmud. She detested communism and was pro-Axis during WW2. She was a heroine.
On the social media someone said this to me:
The jews seem to entirely ignore my existence the moment I ask them why they hate white people.
I’m also getting the feeling that the Jews are now infiltrating Gab. They just cannot leave whites alone. It is critical for the Jews that they interfere with all free speech and opinion between whites. They MUST MISLEAD WHITES or else whites will NATURALLY UNIFY and become naturally racialist and happy with each other. I responded as follows:-
Nice one. The answer IMO is obvious. Its the expulsions in Europe over the centuries. When I had Jewish friends I noticed an intense hatred of (a) Europe (b) Christianity. I noticed it especially when I praised Europeans & noticed great things they did. Then the Jews would spew their hate. A Jew is not honest in the way we are. These people are filth. They’re also weak & distrustful.
My own observations in life are this: That to be HONEST requires strength. You need strength of character in order to be honest because honesty brings with it many negatives. I noticed that weak people & backward people (e.g. blacks) don’t take honesty seriously. The Jews are a very weak people & that’s why IMO lying is their most important characteristic.
I also think Jews are the ULTIMATE cowards. Blacks aren’t brave. But I reckon blacks have more honesty in them and more bravery among them as backward as they are, than any Jew. I regard Jews are the lowest form of human life. They are 100% the opposite of everything we are/strive to be.
I regard Jews as the world’s greatest spoilt brats and we whites put them on this stupid pedestal (almost entirely due to Christianity). It is a pedestal they need to be kicked off for once & for all. They LOVE this pedestal & will lie & murder & do anything to remain there. They are garbage.
I used to have stacks of deep discussions with Jews whom I regarded as friends. I took these people seriously. I wasted years of my life talking to these fucking liars. Nowadays, I won’t spend even 30 seconds talking to a Jew. I have no time for them. These are a people that you can’t do anything constructive with. Nothing. You’re dealing with habitual liars who always have ulterior games. They mimic things. They are TOTAL FAKES in the way they present themselves. There’s just nothing that you can do with them. Any interaction you have is suspect. You have to be on your toes. Words have no meaning to them. They say anything they need to say in order to defend or enhance themselves. They have zero value as humans. Zero. Everything about them is fake & suspect. They’ll turn on you without warning. In fact, they might befriend you while also plotting with your worst enemies to destroy you. I’ve thought this through from every angle. A Jew has no value & any interaction with them, even if you believe you’re going to benefit, is very very dangerous. They’re practised liars & they’ll nail you before you nail them. There is nothing whatsoever that you can do with a Jew. Nothing. You’re better off working with any other race, even the dumbest blacks, than dealing with Jews. Jews are the ultimate human garbage, if you would even class them as human.
Video: Blacks and Jews sing about Killing Whites
This is a short video I found and posted a long time back. The white man in the green shirt standing next to Nelson Mandela is the Communist Jew Ronnie Kasrils. I actually spoke to him in the very early 1990s.