Who is Really Running the White House? – The Home of a creepy pedophile President


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[The White house has never been weirder. Never. What is instructive is that you can see all kinds of things that are being done to accommodate the bag of shit known as Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the most bizarre thing in the history of Western civilisation. Jan]

“There is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations. A despot may otherwise constrain his slaves with iron chains; but a true politician binds them even more strongly by the chain of their own ideas. … On the soft fibers of the brain is founded the unshakable base of the soundest of Empires.” Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison

“They seldom desire anything unless it belongs to others. The result is the encroachment of one group upon the territory of another. For knowing their own inferiority, they would only be too glad to have equality.” Plato, Gorgias

Though some would like to believe that it is impossible for the modern world to fall back into the Homeric ‘imbecility of infancy,’ and though they scoff at the idea that one might ‘claim to amuse grown men by the same fictions that would have charmed children,’ they know that in reality adulthood slips easily back to infancy’s grip. (La Motte, Discours 22–23, in The Shock of the Ancient, L. F. Norman)

FIRST, IT MAY BE HELPFUL TO ASK: WHO ISN’T RUNNING THE WHITE HOUSE? It clearly is not Joseph Biden. He obviously meets the 25th Amendment test of incapacity, and could rather easily be removed under organized congressional opposition. Why he is not, is a fascinating question.

Second, it may be helpful to ask: why was a White House stage set crafted and installed in the old executive building across the street? This provides two strong clues: one, it allows for technically enhanced prompting, control, digital enhancement and scripting. And two, it symbolically establishes the fact that Biden is not the actual president occupying the actual White House, and is being sidelined. For those who can remember Star Trek’s original episode, “Patterns of Force,” where a drugged figurehead president was installed behind a carefully organized broadcast room, while his handlers from the “Party” actually controlled the State, this dramatically shows the nature of the White House proxy control program, and its inherent basis in deception.

The drugged and controlled president in Patterns of Force

The scripted and controlled president in 2021

New TV “set” of a “White House” underscores contempt for the American public

It may also be helpful to consider that the biosecurity construct that has dominated civil society since early 2020 is anchored in two primary motivations—one ideological, the other psychological, and both are centered in fundamental human biology: population, and centralized health care. Both of these objectives find their power, and their implementation, in top-down state authoritarianism. Such political psychology must also flow from a certain sociopathology, and that must flow from hatred and revenge.

In my view this defines the clinical profile of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the actual occupiers of the current executive office (it also invokes a key animating factor of race. All three factors—population, medical control, and race—must also together operate from deception, and a manufactured political program, hence the fundamental purpose of Covid).

The Obama-Clinton syndicate, through division and fear, offer to a frightened public the opportunity for salvation, and paternal protection that reaches deep into the childhood mind still accessible in the adult. The progressive political class offers up the government, the centralized authority of right thinking, and utopian visions of “equity.” It is vitally centered in and draws its strength from faction, dissension, conflict, and most of all, division. Division is its source of power; its only means of creating its role, and its authority. The real source of authentic power—the cooperation and purposeful living of enlightened independent, self-directed, liberated men and women, is its enemy: hate must create more hate until hate and fear is all there is, and with it, a permanent state of social tension and social control.

And it’s effective. Consider the U.K.:

According to an Ipsos MORI poll conducted in July, an impressive 27 percent of Britons want to impose a government-mandated nationwide curfew of 10 PM—not then in force—“until the pandemic was under control worldwide,” which might be years from now. A not-inconsiderable 19 percent would impose such a curfew “permanently, regardless of the risk from Covid-19.” Presumably, these are people who don’t get out much. While 64 percent want Britain’s mask mandate in shops and on public transport to remain a legal requirement for the duration of the global pandemic, an astounding 51 percent want to be masked by law, forever.

There’s more: some 35 percent want to confine any Briton who returns from a foreign country, vaccinated or not, to a ten-day home quarantine—permanently, Covid or no Covid. A full 46 percent would require a vaccine passport in order to travel abroad—permanently, Covid or no Covid. So young people today would still be flashing that QR code on whatever passes for smartphones in 2095, though they might have trouble displaying the device to a flight attendant while bracing on their walkers. Likewise, the 36 percent who want to be required to check in at pubs and restaurants with a National Health Service contact-tracing app forever. A goodly 34 percent want social distancing in “theatres, pubs and sports grounds,” regardless of any risk of Covid, forever. A truly astonishing 26 percent of Britons would summarily close all casinos and nightclubs forever. Are these just a bunch of fogies who don’t go clubbing anyway? No. In the 16-to-24 age bracket, the proportion of Brits who want to convert Ronnie Scott’s jazz club in London’s Soho into a community lending library, even after Covid is a distant memory, soars to a staggering 40 percent.

Far from yearning for their historic liberties as “free-born Englishmen,” eight out of ten of the British, according to a Southbank/Kingston University survey, were “anxious” about lifting any of their benevolent government’s copious pandemic restrictions. I’m not sure that you can call it Stockholm syndrome when captives don’t fall in love with their captors but with the state of captivity itself.

It is a political agenda for power, control, domination, and authority. It rests on hysteria and even “blood lust” for revenge, and especially, for merely taking the property of others (the “1619 Program” for example). In this regard, despite the instincts that our adult minds generally have for a calmer assessment based in rational engagement, this political deception (and some of its ancillary components, including Black Lives Matter, Antifa and Critical Race Theory, among others) is part of a dangerous threat to the West and all its people. This does not mean a suppression of free speech or limits to the full exercise of political discourse. It does mean facing squarely, an organized assault on higher-order aspirations and integrity that must constantly be summoned, as a unified nation, rather than passively accommodating a dishonest faction of special interests that have as their aims and designs the literal dismantling of the inherent foundation of what remains the most successful experiment in human liberty: America[1]

A message of revenge, hate, retribution—and control.

At a practical level, the Obama-Clinton agenda doesn’t have only contempt for White America: the entire world and all its races and cultures are included as past or present victims of Whites. There is otherwise no coherent “White guilt” or White shame concept: the enslavement of people was (and still is in many regions), a central characteristic of the entire global race, and it is embedded centrally within its cultural traditions, practices and social psychology, with all other features of a world cultural anthropology. Except that modern America is, precisely because of her freedoms, generosity and riches, including in trust and forbearance, the target for racial political agitation and the extortion—agitation and extorsion that define the current organized racial political agenda and its larger designs in what amounts to tribalism in property, power, and control.

A deal to share the executive office has been effected: secure in their deception

Some may recall the “deal” that was struck in Obama’s first run for president (in a well-covered “secret meeting) with the then-opposing Clinton team: they dropped their pretenses, and joined forces. Indeed, Hillary, in an unprecedented move, dropped her campaign entirely, and joined Obama to promote him. The deal was a quid pro quo where HRC backed his bid in exchange for the Secretary of State position (and her data “server” crime reflected her actual activities in using her office to broker favors, deals and raise money, with a president and ex-president controlling an “above-the-law status” that led to the FBI backing down in its investigation). The plan was simple: she would help seat him as president, and then they would “swap” seats after his terms, and he would guarantee her presidency. Then Obama would possibly be nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court. Indeed, the Supreme Court configuration is a primary goal of the DNC: and its goals is not merely to expand it, but “color” it especially, and to do so by fundamentally altering the entire process, configuration and rules of the Court itself, through the pretext of a bi-partisan commission (which as its turns out, it made up predominantly of Obama allies, and headed by his former advisor, Bob Bauer at NYU Law.

The Obama-Clinton plan was audacious, but was frustrated (or delayed) by Trump; hence the desperate measures to impeach him, along with a highly planned election steal (organized by the Obama and Clinton Foundations), that directed fraudulent voting law changes by the Perkins Coie “Political Law” practice—whose lead partner in the voter fraud operation, was recently indicted). In my view there was a planned activation of the Covid-19 program, was long incubated as a back-up, fail-safe political weapon with carefully administered “gain of function” work between the US and (apparently) China, overseen by the Obama administration. This explains the 4-year program to remove Trump: it didn’t just come out of nowhere—it was manufactured and directed—by Clinton and Obama, and their foundations, investors and backers. Ron Klain runs the day-to-day at the White House, along with Susan Rice (Obama’s direct link) but they both work for higher powers than the enfeebled Biden. Rice especially, is Obama’s guarantee of policy continuity in domestic affairs, which are being consolidated into national security, under her direct actions. Indeed, “racial equity” across all government departments is her priority. Some have called the appointment of so many Obama officials, as the “Obama reunion.” Indeed, Rice has been dubbed the “shadow president.” And of course, when such assertions are made or intimated (including by Fox news: “Fox News pushes conspiracy Barack Obama secretly running Biden administration,” March 2021), the Left will claim conspiracy theory, which often tells you, that you’ve made the opposition uncomfortable.

Two become one

Both Obama and HRC are obsessed with medical centralization and control (recall her prior frustrated effort to nationalize it as First Lady, or “Hillarycare”—which became Obamacare). Both fancy themselves intellectuals; both hate middle America; both harbor cultural Marxist obsessions with power; both are willing to engage in mass incarceration, extortion, and blackmail. They also have the power base of two ex-presidencies, and a carefully tended international favor bank through the State department (which now runs all executive office foreign policy, and US military ideological purging operations).

Biden will almost certainly be “removed” within the next 12 months, and is already being physically isolated. VP Harris will take his place under the same level of control, but with a fascinating symbiosis of her two actual masters: the merging of the Black with the female into a new symbol of ideological consolidation.

The deception is complete

Source: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/10/12/who-is-really-running-the-white-house/

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