Whites: There’s only one true game in town: OWNERSHIP and POWER


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Video: WTA02: NATOs Secret Wars: How Portugal fought Blacks in Africa with NATO and US help
This video also contains the fabulous story of how and why West Germany was quickly admitted into NATO after WW2. In here you will see how different European nations are, compared to America and weak Britain.

This is very brief. But the goal is to set your minds straight regarding White survival. White survival in many ways is also "the survival of the common man". We as a race are ruled by a bunch of White Traitors who grovel to Jews. These traitors have had their minds hijacked by Jews, and these traitors hate us and see themselves as something superior.

In many ways, survival of the race, is survival of the common Whites actually. If the Common Whites don’t save themselves, then our race will go downhill. The White Traitors (your Biden’s and the whole long list), don’t give a crap about us. There are lots of these White traitor scum who are in business and to them selling to a Black is the same as selling to a White and if there are more Blacks then they’ll support them because it puts a dollar in their own bank account.

The reality though, in politics and money, is really: OWNERSHIP and POWER. If you look carefully at the Jews and their White Traitors, you’ll see one common thread. They OWN THINGS, including owning people, and they seek out only POWER. They go for POWER in all it’s forms.

Hitler focused on getting POWER. The NAZIS worked to come to POWER. Then when they had POWER they could CHANGE THINGS.

And Whites need to begin thinking like this. POWER is the only game in town. And OWNERSHIP and POWER are critically important.

I will revisit this. But get away from worrying about morality. The only morality in the universe and in nature is WINNING. He who WINS is RIGHT. He who loses is WRONG.

That’s how Nature works.

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Video: BEFORE HITLER: JEWS turned Germany (Weimar) into a HELL of Prostitution, Drugs, Trans
Everything you see in America today was done after WW1, and long before Hitler and the NAZIS arose. The same degeneracy took place and Jews destroyed society and turned White women into street prostitutes.

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