Whites NEED ENEMIES… its HEALTHY… When the others start… a-running for their lives!


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Video: WW2: How Germans taught little boys The Art of War
I examine a photo of a game that little German boys are playing. I explain its significance.

This is from an excerpt in a message I wrote to a supporter:

But we may be in for a wild ride, and our race needs it. We NEED ENEMIES. It will be healthy and you’ll see what will result from it. The harsher the better. It separates the men from the boys. You’ll see who are the weaklings who will fold, and many of these may surprise you! You’ll be surprised who is strong and who is weak. But being on the edge of destruction may be the perfect medicine for our race. It will make us stick together like never before.

Mark my words: People do NOT DIE EASILY. NEVER! The Jews may have put us in a spot, but it could result in the greatest outpouring of anger you’ve ever seen from our race.

Even here in SA, as the hardship really bites, you will see it will be good for us. Our people will learn to value each other. The harsher the threats on us … the better. When the white man gets going … everyone will begin a-running!

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White Shop: The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry
This is a FANTASTIC BOOK written by a well travelled American Military Officer. It tears all the lies about the Germans that have been told by the Jews and the Allies to shreds. I have a copy. It is the best book written about the Germans by a non-German since WW2.

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