Whites! Have you ever noticed this..?
National Vanguard
This is an excellent American White Racial Website and organisation. This comes from the work of the late Great Dr William Pierce
I was looking at how the Afghanistan nonsense is turning out.
Here’s a question: Have you ever noticed how, REGARDLESS of the event, situation or country … that the outcome is ALWAYS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION … the worst thing that could happen to the WHITES?
It doesn’t matter what it is… but look at ALL HIGH LEVEL DECISIONS … the outcome is ALWAYS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, the worst that could happen for WHITE PEOPLE. ALWAYS. EVERYWHERE. Whether it is South Africa, or America, or Canada or anywhere in Europe or Australia or New Zealand.
Whether it is war, or peace, or business, or politics.
I think Jews are at work. There are Jews who have admitted that they always make decision on the basis of WHAT IS BEST FOR THE JEWS.
I think that is happening EVERYWHERE…
Video: SA Race War: 1st Battle Between Blacks & Whites Part 1
Alex and I discuss a battle in Pretoria where a mob of white men and women fought blacks. A few people were injured, some seriously.