Whites: GET ACTIVE … save our race … The collapse of *ALL* Nations is a certainty… But there is GREAT NEWS
Video: IMPORTANT: JEWISH LAW PROFESSOR: Dershowitz Named 137 Times In Newly Released Epstein
This disgusting Jew is closely linked to the Jew paedophile Epstein
A guy here in South Africa who is an atheist, and a White racialist, told me some months ago about a book I should read, written by a scientist some decades ago, about the real reasons why nations and civilisations collapse.
I finally got round to it, and it has been a fascinating read. In fact, I’m busy going through it a second time. I wanted to be sure that what is written therein is accurate. It mentioned many things, some of which even go back into prehistory. I’m still going through the material a second time. So far, some stuff checks out, and some stuff is overblown. I would say, as a general concept, the material therein does not indicate an IMMEDIATE COLLAPSE of nations. But the trends that are valid, WILL RESULT IN NATIONS AND CIVILISATIONS COLLAPSING – UNQUESTIONABLY – over a period of several generations. I will keep on assessing the material therein for quite some time before giving out my final analysis on it.
But I think there is enough to make some broad, sweeping statements about the future which are valid.
The scientist gives enough information that makes it a CERTAINTY that most modern nations will collapse. I also think that Diversity, that the Jews are thrusting into the West, is of such a nature that the collapse will come much sooner. They are speeding up the process 100x. Part of the scientific argument is fascinating. It relates to people creating nations so that they BENEFIT FROM COOPERATION – i.e. Unity. But, this unity CANNOT LAST. It WILL BREAK DOWN, for many reasons, some of which include breeding patterns. It has a very negative long term view of IQ and the dumbing down of ALL HUMANS – not just Whites. In a nutshell, there is quite a lot of truth to the notion that Strong men create nations, then weak men cause them to collapse, then strong men need to create new nations again. That truth is reflected in these scientific arguments – which are based on other measurable factors.
Among the factors that destroy a nation, which I found fascinating was mention that as a civilisation matures, it gains tremendous benefits from its past organization. Then as time goes by, the negative, nation-destroying factors, of which there are several, begin kicking in. But, at this time, the nation is still moving FORWARD – despite doing increasingly NEGATIVE and BAD THINGS. So it continues doing MORE AND MORE BAD THINGS … but it is still functioning fine and even growing in power. Therefore, the EFFECTS of the bad trends ARE NOT OBVIOUS. And what later happens is that it does start collapsing, but by then it is so rotten that it can’t be saved.
In many respects, when I look at what the Jews, Liberals, Communists, etc are doing to the USA especially, but to the whole Western world, I would say it is like a bunch of parasites who are merely diving in and tearing into a civilisation that is at it’s peak and they are speeding up, tremendously, the collapse of that civilisation. There can be no question whatsoever, that they will ultimately cause the collapse of entire nations. It is just that the process takes time. It does NOT happen overnight. However, THE PROCESS OF COLLAPSE IS IRREVERSIBLE. You cannot save a nation that is broken on the inside from collapse. This is a simple historical fact.
What the scientist describes will probably affect ALL of the Western world, in various ways, even including Russia itself. Africa is DEFINITELY going to collapse spectacularly. The West will follow. It is possible that the Asians will be the least affected, with unquestionably, the Japanese coming out on top – again – as they rightfully should. The Muslims/Arabs – I’m not sure.
However, let’s look at the other aspect, from a White survival viewpoint, of what history actually shows. History shows that when a nation collapses, or is broken, that it will end up in a state of civil war. That internal violence becomes the rule. Out of that violence comes a new rebirth. I am certain that Whites can EASILY survive total collapses of their nations by forming into White Militarised communities in the areas where they live. It does NOT matter how many non-Whites are brought in. In the end, Whites will have no choice but to use military force in the ruins of their former nations. I have no doubt that Whites will be able to pick through the mess of their broken nations, and will RECONQUER those who came in.
One thing which also comes out from this, and which is a reflection of Dr William Pierce and Hitler, is that people who benefit too much from the soft life, end up becoming ever softer and DUMBER … yes DUMBER! The shopping mall life, the life of capitalism and fun, MAKES YOU MORE STUPID. It actually destroys your abilities. The scientist points out, that HARDSHIP, e.g. the european ice ages, resulted in SUPERIOR PEOPLE. The Romans lived for example in a state of mostly war during their entire time, and Hitler admired this immensely. Whites were a war-like people before Christianity. Never at any time prior to Christianity did we suffer from genocide, despite being a war-like people.
I am quite convinced that Whites will survive this mess, but that out of it will come a new type of White man and White woman. A more confident, determined, no-nonsense, hard person, who is very different to the modern shopping mall type. It will be healthy for us.
I was quite fascinated by the scientist’s statement that wealth and the easy life ACTUALLY LEADS TO YOUR DESTRUCTION. Nature is ruthless.
Those who think you can stop collapse through voting, talking, etc will see that this is a waste of time. In the end, it will require force – military force.
What is also clear is that there are SO MANY NEGATIVE FACTORS in life, along with some positive ones, that NOBODY … neither Governments, nor the super rich, can control all the factors. They are just players in a game that IS TOO BIG TO CONTROL.
But a critical point that the scientist made is the time lag between the factors creating collapse and the collapse itself. There is a long time lag. This will probably, due to the size of America, actually be longer than usual.
I think that we’re in the beginning of a process that can run for a long time before people climb fully out of it. However, in this modern age, things tend to go faster. So what might previously have run the course of 500 years might easily happen in 100 years or less.
So, for those of you who think the STATE and the RICH are going to be able to BOTTLE YOU UP AND TIE YOU DOWN … YOU’RE WRONG. The state will itself collapse faster and faster. The Rich also have limited control, because all of life is not only based on money. There are ALWAYS OTHER SKILLS – WEAPONS, THOUGHTS, STRATEGIES, GROUP ACTIONS.
Whites in GROUPS, Communities, etc; will have more than enough time to gather together and form units which can survive. Some states will collapse faster than others. Whites everywhere will be able to form Defensive Communities in the years and decades to come.
There is no doubt in my mind that Whites will be able to fight their way out of this ultimately … with ease in fact, like slicing through hot butter.
I think there is a NEW WESTERN CIVILISATION that will come out of this. New political arrangements, new alliances.
Don’t imagine that you CAN BE TOTALLY CONTROLLED. It should be evident from COVID already that resistance and disobedience has already begun everywhere. It is a good sign.
My advice to Whites is: Ignore Liberalism … JUST FOCUS ON RACE AND NATIONALISM AND RACIAL UNITY. Forget about Liberalism, forget about the rich.
Machine guns, artillery and war planes will beat them all. Even the super rich will have to run and hide one day in caves to avoid execution.
Just focus on race and fight forward. Our people have seen the creation and collapse of THOUSANDS and perhaps TENS OF THOUSANDS of political states … AND WE ARE STILL HERE!
A STATE is nothing more than a TOOL. Nobody has created more states than we have. And a STATE is the ultimate survival tool.
To quote Dr Gobbels, you can’t defend yourself with butter, you need GUNS.
In the end, that’s where we’re going … all of us. And it’s going to be a LOT OF FUN!!!!
Video: Jews explain that they own and control HISTORY! They will smear their enemies FOREVER
In this video we study something that Jews do behind the scenes. We look at Jews trying to silence someone with a private meeting and threats. I analyse what exactly the Jews say, and what it means. Once you understand this youll realise that Jews have poisoned ALL of WESTERN HISTORY! Youll never view history or the conclusions about anyone in history, the same ever again.