WHITES: BE PROUD: BOOGALOO: Men Tied To Right-Wing Extremism Arrested Heading To BLM Protest With Molotov Cocktails – My Comments


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STORMFRONT: A VERY DETAILED HISTORY OF THE JEWS - including Quotes from the Talmud
This is an excellent read, with LOTS of QUOTES.

[Much is made of this arrest of these few white guys. But how much evidence is needed to catch ANTIFA or blacks who have the same intentions? Furthermore, Jews seem to be rushing to bail out violent blacks, but who will bail out whites? Also, notice how many organisations have the money to focus on and track what whites do. So whites are UNDER FUNDED, in fact, openly deprived of the slightest amount of cash in any form. The Govt, intelligence, Police, plus all these masses of Jewish NGOs are focusing on the few whites that are left. Honestly, I fail to see how whites can feel bad about themselves. We have the greatest number of organisations focusing on us, of any group of people in the world. Our own people, are focusing intense amounts of attention on us, not to mention the fact that Jews are spying on us intensely and alerting the Police and Govt about us regularly. Truly, whites should feel proud. We are the most watched people on the planet. Don't feel bad at the notion that things are not working out for us easily. Just look at the MASSIVE EFFORT AIMED AT DERAILING AND DESTROYING OUR MOVEMENT! 14/88. Jan]

Protesting, rioting, looting. Protestors, rioters, looters. The lines between these can blur. Sometimes, they’re blurred by design, for political or social goals. Often, rioters and looters aren’t connected to protestors at all, and may be opportunists, or may actually intend to derail the conversation. Throughout the protests for justice after the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, outside agitators have been caught turning protests into riots and destruction. In Nevada, three more such men have been arrested — and their political ties add concern.

Stephen T. Parshall, Andrew T. Lynam Jr., and William L. Loomis were arrested in Las Vegas over the weekend. After making plans online, the three purchased gasoline, made Molotov cocktails, and headed to the protests, according to HuffPost. They’ve said in court that they identify with the boogaloo movement.

Boogaloo Bois aren’t quite as easy to pin down with regard to political beliefs as perhaps some extremist groups, according to the Middlebury Institute of International Studies’ Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism, with some adherents actually claiming anti-racism, and even claiming there will be a uniting of forces between Black Lives Matter, Boogaloo Bois, and antifascists, but there’s still a definite white supremacist element, and the whole movement tends to lean far right.

This particular trio will face charges at the Federal level for unregistered weapons and conspiracy to destroy and damage by fire and explosives, and at the state level for conspiracy, possession of explosives, and terrorism. The three reportedly discussed in advance their plans to hijack protests and start riots, and specifically discussed targets for destruction, including U.S. Forest Service ranger station and a fee station at Lake Mead.

Source: https://hillreporter.com/men-tied-to-right-wing-extremism-arrested-heading-to-blm-protest-with-molotov-cocktails-70115

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In this article is a photo of a woman‘s son who survived a farm attack. Later he died. You may find this shocking.

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