WHITES: A Note about Chronic medical conditions – What I learned…
Video: 1725: A Small band of brave Dutchmen are attacked in a Black Empire in S.Africa
Let us devour the White people shouted the hundreds of Blacks as they attacked 30 Dutch soldiers and sailors! This is a little known story of the Dutch on the East Coast of Africa.
Just a note about Chronic conditions. One friend of mine who reads an immense amount of scientific literature, told me that if you suffer from chronic conditions, that it is very likely that it comes from FOOD THAT YOU EAT!!!
I learned this the hard way, until a German specialist, who saved my life and helped me more than any doctor or set of (Jewish) specialists, showed me that I had a wheat allergy. I later realised that my problems like sinus, phlegm, etc – ALL came from FOOD and nothing more.
Learn about your own body, eat right, and live longer! We need healthy white people!
We need children, and we need men who can FIGHT and KILL our ENEMIES!!!
So look after yourself!
14/88 Jan
Video & Audio: Enormous Lies about the Confederates & the Evil Malice of the Freeing of the Slaves
In this show we discuss the Confederates and the American Civil War which took America in the wrong direction and which negatively impacts America to this day.