WHITE REVOLUTION: White Truckers rolling! Has Canada’s Justin Trudeau and family moved to secret location in US? – 67,000 American Truckers coming…
Hitler‘s views were based on science and history. He was actually an ardent advocate of all White expansion and Colonisation.
[The original source claiming that Trudeau is in the USA, seems to be Israeli. I don't trust Jewish sources. I would find it quite astounding if Trudeau fled to the USA. I would imagine that it is very easy for the Canadian military and security people to look after Trudeau's worthless ass. I do hope it is true that he's fled. Like in America, the Canadian parliament now has a WALL around it!! Liberalism is killing America and it's killing Canada. It's all the freaking Jews. Trudeau's daddy was a communist. Anyhow, it was just a few glorious months back that White Canadians were saying: F*CK TRUDEAU to the arrogant asshole's face. Farmers are also joining in, and a staggering 67,000 American truckers are also heading there!!! Anyhow, I'm sure that virtually everyone in the convoy is WHITE … hence the CBC screeching and crying about WHITE SUPREMACISM. Yes, you dumb pricks … Canada is White! Can't you see it you fools? So very exciting stuff in Canada. I knew the Canadians could do it. The Americans can also do it. There is zero doubt in my mind. Ditto for the Europeans. It's only the Jewish (Jamaica-like) island of Britain that I'm not so sure of. They're the only dodgy ones around. I know there are genuine Whites in the UK and Ireland, but they are few. Jews are terrorizing, harrassing and suppressing them. So disgusting. Anyway, let Canada cheer us all up! The White Canadians are ROLLING … and the GOVERNMENT IS TREMBLING … maybe the PM has FLED … so nice! So nice! The beginnings of REAL WHITE POWER! Take note that in France, the Pfizer building has been surrounded … and there's noise in France! Cool! Returning to Canada, the demands of the Whites are awesome! You're literally seeing a REVOLUTION. Seriously. I hope other Canadians pour into Ottawa to help back up the truckers! It would be awesome if WHITE POWER could smash a Western government back! That would be HUGE! HUGE! Jan]
Justin Trudeau and his family have fled Ottawa after the massive trucker convoy began arriving in the Canadian capital on Friday night.
According to Israeli sources, the Trudeau family have been moved to a safe place in the US.
Tens of thousands of truckers are parked in front of Canadian Parliament, saying they will not leave unless Trudeau resigns or drops all mandates. No negotiation. They are prepared to stay there for weeks or months.
Note in the video that there is a wall around the Parliament Building, just as there is now a wall around the White House in DC.
Farmers have now joined the truckers and are driving their tractors toward the Capital, with 67,000 truckers from the US reportedly en route to Ottawa, as well.
At his Saturday night rally in Conroe, TX, Donald Trump said, “The Canadian truckers, you’ve been reading about it, who are resisting bravely these lawless mandates are doing more to defend American freedom than our own leaders by far.”
Citing its powers under the COVID state of emergency of March 2020, the provincial government of Nova Scotia has declared it illegal to finance, organize, aid or participate in a truck convoy, as well as to stand along the roadside in support of a truck convoy, with violators facing $10,000 fines.
The MacDonald-Cartier bridge connecting Ontario to Québec was partially closed due to this planned protest.
Meanwhile, the Pfizer building in Paris was surrounded by a crowd of protestors on Saturday, shouting at Macron and Pfizer executives, calling them “Assassins!”
Source: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/justin-trudeau-flees-to-secret-location/
Video: JEWS DID 911: World Trade Center Building 7: Foreknowledge of Collapse with Dr MacQueen
In this video you‘ll see how everyone knew WTC7 was going to collapse. The only thing missing from the video is that the JEW SILVERSTEIN admitted that he gave the ORDER to bring it down!