White man FIGHT! The Greatest American of modern times: George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American NAZI Party…


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Video: GOOD NEWS! All Human Society, including White Nations are inherently UNSTABLE!
Many Whites seem to believe that Western Nations are rigid and that no serious change is possible in them. This is quite a deep discussion about how a nation state really works and why even the most stable appearances are totally misleading.

[Someone sent me this lovely quote below from Rockwell, who was murdered by the Jews in the 1960’s, round about the time they murdered Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd of South Africa. Jan]

This is the quote I was sent:-
George Lincoln Rockwell was right. He was right when he proclaimed, “White Man Fight”. He was right when he reminded us that Olympian Victories require Olympian sacrifices. He was right when he declared that we are in an all-out Race War led against us by the scheming jew. He was right when he raised the Banner of Adolf Hitler from the ashes of Berlin and proclaimed, “This Time The World”. He was right when he declared that we must stand, united as one, and fight for our very racial existence! The lies will not always hide the truth.

This was my reply:-
I love quotes from Rockwell. I made videos about him and want to return to him. What a man. What an American … he found himself, and he was as determined as hell.

In due course, he will one day be seen for the true White American hero he really was. I have nothing but respect for that man.

He tried to do the impossible with nothing, and in the end he gave his life. 2 Jewish snipers killed him. They try to hide that.

But what a man. If all White men were like him, we would sweep our enemies away in no time at all, regardless of what we might lack.

His type of courage and determination is exactly what Hitler inculcated in the Waffen SS and among Germans.

But Rockwell, truly, would fit in the Waffen SS. He was made of that kind of stuff.

I have nothing but respect for him.

Heil Hitler!

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Video & Audio: Gods of War: When the Germans didnt stand a chance! The Battle of Crete
This was a battle the Germans should never have won. They didnt know it, but EVERYTHING was stacked against them. If Hitler and the Generals had known the real facts, they would NEVER have launched this attack.

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