WHITE CIVILISATION IS SUPREME! – Letter from an Enlightened Englishman: White Supremacism Vs Jewish Supremacism
Charts & Statistics: Organized crime rate in Africa by country 2023
Here‘s the latest information on organised crime in Africa.
[This is from an email that was doing the rounds that I received. Whites are creators … and we are the people who are not afraid to explore, conquer and build. That's why we survive everywhere, including a continent like Africa from which large numbers of Blacks are fleeing! Jan]
White Elephant on December 31, 2020 at 4:55 pm
Rixon states in the intro to this post: “This isn’t about white supremacy….”
Rixon, but should it not be, or should I say, should whites not start thinking and implementing white supremacy?
Let me ask you a question; if you look throughout history, that last two millenniums, we can clearly see that it is nothing, but an advertisement for white supremacy. The very reason that everyone has been pouring into the west, for so long, is because it reigns supreme, compared to all other civilizations.
I don’t see anyone piling into Africa do you?
I don’t see anyone piling into India?
I don’t see anyone piling into South America?
I don’t see anyone piling into Asia (that’s because they have the common sense to not allow it)!
If the west was like Nigeria, or Mumbai, do you think people would be piling into it, in the numbers that they are?
It’s about time that people faced facts and that reason IS white people ARE supreme and always have been! We have invented so much. We have given so much. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Literature, Art, Music, Sculpture, Architecture, Philosophy, Charity, Law & Order, Health & Medicine, Dentistry…..the list goes on and on of white successes and achievements.
Are we just supposed to forget about this?
Do you not see that the very purpose of the attacks upon whites, shouting them down as supremacists, is to make us all feel inferior?
To be superior to others, does not also mean to look down upon them. It is to accept that you are greater, through your achievements and to help those less fortunate, but not, of course, at the expense of your civilization and way of life, so much so that you then become second class citizens in your own land!
Again, people DO NOT pile into countries that are not as good as the ones that they’ve left. You step up in life, not down. Therefore immigrants, by definition, seek out SUPERIOR habitats and SUPERIOR civilization to their own.
Blacks, STILL remain in the USA and yet slavery was abolished, in the USA 160 years ago! It was abolished long before that in European nations. Why then do blacks remain? The American nation is not their nation. It is not their culture, or civilization. They stay because they know it’s far SUPERIOR to anything within Africa. Muhammad Ali, after his fight with George Foreman, in Kinshasa, Zaire, on October 30, 1974, stated afterwards that he was GLAD to have been born in America! And why was that? Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? Do I need to spell it out?
Let’s face facts. White civilization IS superior. It always has been. It’s a blatantly, obvious fact! Over the last 80 years, Jews have been destroying our superiority, through all manners of means, to the point that today, whites not only hate their nation and are trying to destroy their culture, but support and march with BLM, calling other whites, “honkeys” and “crackers” courtesy of constant indoctrination through the Jewish controlled msm and academia.
But with the above all said, do I condone what happened, in this world, courtesy of the British Empire and its invasion of Africa, India and Asia, along with other parts of the world? Do I hell! But then, anyone with any common sense knows that Cromwell’s selling out to the Jews, allowing them back in, in 1654, who then established the first bank of England in 45 years later meant that the British Empire, was a Jewish empire and all about the acquisition of wealth, for the Jewish bankers and setting up their future Jew World Order, which we are now in.
I am fully opposed to colonization. I am fully opposed to immigration. I am fully opposed to enforcing our culture on others and vice versa. Heck, I don’t even think we should have taught English to people outside of our race! It is our language that we should have kept to ourselves, but again, this was the plan of the Jew, to control, nothing but a rerun of the Tower of Babel and Nimrod.
I am a white separatist. I always have been really. And I also suppose that it’s because, as a Christian, I know that I should always be good to the other nations of this earth, but keep our relations at a friendly level and nothing more. The troubles we now have, on this earth are as a result of not keeping the nations separate. Again, we continue to not learn from the bible and the story of Nimrod is there as a warning to all.
If whites are to survive this onslaught against them, the sheer hatred and racism towards them, from Jews and their lackeys (non whites and their white shabbos goy in positions of power), they are going to have to drastically change the mindsets of white people, who need to start looking at their civilization and their peoples as supreme, with history to prove so.
This is going to be incredibly hard, courtesy of 80 years of cultural Marxist, ideological subversion. The majority all, thanks to it, suffer from cognitive dissonance, unable to accept the truth when given to them, revulsed because they’ve been told lies all their lives.
White people are supreme. They always have been and history is there to prove it. Jews are not supreme. They never have been and they never will be. ‘The seed of Cain’, ‘the serpent seed’, ‘the synagogue of Satan’ as they are known, shows that they are the destroyers, the deceivers, the haters, the racists and supremacists, not in what they’ve achieved, but what they believe, because they’ve been told so all their lives. The supremacism of the Jews, is one of hatred and racism towards all others. The supremacism of the whites is one of their inventions, creations and all around altruism in their desire to help all those less fortunate.
There is white supremacism and there is Jewish supremacism and one should never, ever compare them to one another, for they both sit at opposite sides of the spectrum.
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