White Cartoon Shows the Jews would have hated … too much white power & a White Future: The Thunderbirds & Jetsons


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When I was a kid, all the cartoons and TV shows showed a bright future, and of course that future was bright and involved masses of progress.

The Jetsons is a perfect example of an amazing white future full of incredible feats.

Here’s the intro song for the Jetsons, and look at it. All whites, and a fantastic future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTq6Tofmo7E

Jews would have hated the Jetsons.

The Flintstones might not have represented the future but they were fabulously funny, and I did enjoy the manner in which the Flinstones showed "technology" adapted to that time. It’s very clever actually.

But when I was a kid you had Batman, and Spiderman and Superman. All of them were WHITE males with super powers, doing amazing things. Nietzsche would have approved of them all, as would Hitler.

But one cartoon series that I think showed too much power was the British show The Thunderbirds. It was done with puppets. But it showed far too much science and power.

Check out the amazing aircraft of the future in it. Check all the cool, futuristic stuff in it.

Here is an episode of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLiH4xrCITI

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