White Americans doing their racial best: Aryan Nations & White’s only Communities – David Duke Presidential Candidate


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2004: S.Africa: 50,000 School Leavers expected to Fake Matric Certificates
Blacks falsify their Matric results! Why Black school leavers are expected to try to falsify their matric certificates.

When I look at some of the events in the USA, especially in the 1980s, it is clear to me that there were quite a lot of good racially minded Whites in America who were truly hardcore and true for their race.

We also have people like Tom Metzger who was doing great stuff at a very sophisticated level. I particularly like Tom’s use of Technology. When I did an interview or two with him and when we spoke privately I was extremely impressed with his use of technology long before the Internet. I am myself a full believer in this.

When I was at the Fash Bash in 2019, we had one man there from Aryan Nations. I suspect by now it is a shadow of its former self.

But it seems to me, in the 1980s there were White’s only communities in places in the USA in rural areas. Some of these were later linked to violence. But I’m curious about how big these communities were and how successful they were.

I get the feeling these were quite substantial perhaps.

The White Right seems to have reached its peak by the early 1990s when they even had a presidential candidate in the form of David Duke. I forget his name now. He’s someone who has faded quite a bit from the scene. When I was in the USA one former American NAZI party guy told me that when David Duke was running for President money was pouring in at the rate of $25,000 PER DAY!!!

I can’t remember what David Duke did wrong, but he did something wrong that totally blew things. But there was some serious backing for him.

I am curious about the Aryan Nations and other White’s only communities in the USA and how successful they were back then.

THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT LOTS OF WHITE AMERICANS ARE LOYAL TO THEIR RACE AND PROUD OF THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR RACE – but the leadership and these organisations have been destroyed time and again.

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Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.

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