When Australians fought Germans … and they made peace…
Jan‘s Videos about the Portuguese
Here is a list of most (but not all) of my videos about the Portuguese...
[Here is an excerpt from one of my readers in Australia. Its quite a complex story, but i'll post what he's saying. It might give people angles of research. It has to do with a truce Germans and Australians agreed to, in WW1 I think. Jan]
One Piece of Important information I seek is the Name of the German in Hitlers WW1 list Division who could speak "perfect english" who negotiated that "Truce" that was "Never allowed to happen" with the Australians in July 1916 When it was Vetoed (By the AUstralian) they Germans and Australians had to take people of stretchers and leave them to DIE? You need to understand that it has taken over 100 years and 3 generations for some Australians to get something that – resembles the truth about DAY ONE AGAINST GERMANY? to their credit some have stuck on this. The lies are that extensive layered and sophisticated – it is worth studying how "they lie" and continue to do so the lengths they went to are incredible. Handy when unravelling all their other BS. For Example: The Official centenary DVD does not mention it (The Truce) and there is only one recorded interview with 1 Australian Veteran? For example: One Decorated Aus Army Chaplain (DSO) who was there – who started to tell the truth about that day… post WW1 well they launched an extensive campaign to destroy him and his reputation – he left the country? This is the worst day in Australian History 5533 in 18 hours? It was an Amateur Historian who got to the bottom of the day Greek Australian – Lambis Englezos his presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyKHhh3sRo8 The Truth is….. (Still hidden to many) or many do not understand is The Germans of the List Division who were the prototype of things to come (post battle) Treated the Australian Wounded better than the Australian Commanders. And that begs many other Questions? about all the other Complete and utter Bullshit we are fed continually on anything and everything and as we know it is all mostly Bullshit. Australian Zionists planting Australian Trees in the Middle East in 1890-1900 ? Kind of says it all. Illustrates how far back the plan goes There are 1000 Communist Chinese Agents on the ground in Aus another was exposed on Saturday and we know what Country in the Middle East the Chinese are buddies with …. I am preparing for Future War in the Pacific
Boer Cartoon: Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!
This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.