Most people don’t know how military things work and that is why they fall for Putin’s psychological warfare. Take note of Putin’s greatest success: Invasion of Ukraine February 2022, it happened quickly, and caught everyone, including Ukraine off guard. MILITARY SECRECY IS A VERY CRITICAL PART OF MILITARY SUCCESS. But here is Putin now talking about launching nukes and they’re going to attack with one nuke (that’s a very dumb thing to do). Any everyone is waiting for the attack. And waiting… and Waiting… Well, MILITARY SUCCESS DOES NOT WORK LIKE THIS EVER. If you are SERIOUS then YOU ATTACK FIRST AND TALK LATER. IF YOU TALK THEN ALL YOU DO IS MAKE EVERYONE NOTICE YOU.
What nobody ever wonders about are all the pilots, engineers and military personnel in America, Europe and the West whose daily job is to monitor Russian nuclear stuff. AGAIN I WANT TO TELL PEOPLE WATCH THE VIDEO I DID YEARS AGO CALLED: HOW AMERICA BUILT UFOS. When you see that video and all the White men and engineers telling you what they did and you see the photos you’ll be amazed. The CIA back in the 1960s had the capability to FLY OVER THE SOVIET UNION AT WILL within a FEW HOURS. They were doing this before I was even born. That video is well worth watching. You’ll be amazed at how Governments really work and how the Military really works. Nowadays, there are massive satellite networks, massive interlinked computer systems and all kinds of methods of monitoring the Russians. HERE’S WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT NUKES: To launch actual nuclear ballistic missiles requires a complex process.
This takes time and communications have to be sent between Moscow and the nuclear installations. The Western military know how the process works and they monitor the radio and other satellite data IN REAL TIME. IF THE RUSSIANS REALLY WANT TO ATTACK, FIRSTLY, THEY WOULD NEVER ANNOUNCE IT EVER. SECONDLY, THE WEST IS MONITORING EVERY DAY EVEN WHEN THE RUSSIANS SAY NOTHING. WHEN THE RUSSIANS, ESPECIALLY PUTIN AND HIGH LEVEL OFFICIALS OPEN THEIR MOUTHS, THE WESTERN MILITARY WATCHES EVEN MORE CLOSELY. Everyone, from the CIA to the nuclear forces goes into high gear. I REPEAT: IF THE RUSSIANS WERE SERIOUS THEY WOULD NOT SAY ONE WORD AT ALL ABOUT NUKES. YOU WOULD NOT KNOW IT’S COMING IT WOULD HAPPEN QUICKLY. Perhaps you’d hear of a "routine nuclear exercise" – at best. But most probably not even that. It would just happen.
FOR PUTIN TO WARN AND WARN AND WARN ENDLESSLY AND TO THEN LAUNCH A NUCLEAR ATTACK IS THE WORST POSSIBLE MILITARY THING HE COULD DO. WHY? BECAUSE THE USA, Britain and France – ALL OF WHOM HAVE THEIR NUCLEAR WEAPONS TARGETING RUSSIA. Remember the British have a nuclear submarine on standby 24/7 (the subs take turns), in the Atlantic and it targets Moscow specifically. Between the USA, Britain and France, they’ll be ready and they will counter nuke Russia immediately. Putin is a PROPAGANDIST AND PUTIN TALKS AND HE USES PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE AND HE BLUFFS 90% OF THE TIME. HE SEES HOW JUMPY THE WEST IS. THAT’S THE REAL GAME. GO TO BED, THERE’S NO NUCLEAR WAR COMING. Putin will not even use a small nuclear weapon because he knows America will kick his teeth out on short order.
The Americans will go in with aircraft and submarines, and probably all of NATO will be involved and they will DESTROY ALL THE RUSSIAN NUCLEAR BASES IN SHORT ORDER AND PUTIN WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MAKE ANOTHER NUCLEAR THREAT AGAIN. The West will not nuke Russian cities. The West will simply destroy all the Russian nuclear sites and bases and Russia will never be allowed to build any more nuclear weapons. And that will be the end of Russian nuclear power.
Video & Audio: Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Do Blacks cause massive climate damage?
Why are there so many droughts in Zimbabwe, almost for 15 years running and now these are impacting South Africas weather patterns like never before.