What I wrote to an American Christian who warned against Leftist Atheists…
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[I saw someone on Gab warning other people about Leftist Atheists. I do want to mention that most of the Atheists I've come across actually used to be Christians. Jan]
I wrote this to an American Christian who warned other Christians to stay away from Leftist Atheists: The only issue is Race and Whites. If you will discard a White person for say, a Black, because the White is an atheist and the Black is a Christian, then you’re on a VERY WRONG PATH. Furthermore, you should also be listening to the White person as to why he’s an atheist or not a Christian. Maybe he WAS A CHRISTIAN (MANY WERE!!!!) and you should find out why he isn’t. RACE IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS. IT DRIVES HISTORY, IT CREATED AMERICA. If you think other silly ideas were more important … then you’re not grasping either the history of America or Europe.
Der Videokanal des deutschen Helden Horst Mahler
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