Weird Jew crap: Boston Children’s Hospital Says Kids Know They’re Trans ‘From the Womb’ in Now-Deleted V ideo


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[Jews at work. Whites should keep their children the hell away from Jews and anything Jew related. These scum will destroy your children, abuse them and damage their minds for life. Jan]

Boston Children’s Hospital created more controversy in the national discussion about transgender children with claims made in a since-deleted video.

A psychologist claimed in a video posted to the hospital’s YouTube channel that many children are gender aware before birth. The content posted in August is no longer available on the hospital’s channel.

The Daily Mail further reported:

In the clip posted to the Boston hospital’s official YouTube page in August, psychologist Dr Kerry McGregor explains the type of patients she sees.

She says: ‘So most of the patients we have in the clinic actually know their gender, usually around the age of puberty.

‘But a good portion of children do know as early as – seemingly – from the womb.

‘And they will usually express their gender identity as very young children, some as soon as they can talk… kids know very, very early.’

It comes as several states begin to clamp down on puberty blockers being prescribed to children. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has previously likened it to ‘child abuse’.

Dr Jay Richards, from the right-wing Heritage Foundation, told the ‘The claim that children “know their gender identity … seemingly from the womb” is a claim with no basis in science or data.

‘It’s simply a concept imposed on the actions of kids by gender ideologues.’

Dr Richards said it was another sign of a ‘social contagion’ that is increasingly creeping into medicine.

‘I think even 25 years ago, this would have been unthinkable,’ he told

The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three. New patients are given counseling before exploring pharmaceutical options.

The clinic also offers that child ‘space and support’ to explore their gender.

Stella O’Malley, a psychotherapist who specializes in gender issues, told ‘When distressed and vulnerable young people are offered an option to be somebody different, it’s very, very alluring and gender ideology does offer that.’

Dr Jay Richards, from the right-wing Heritage Foundation, told the ‘The claim that children “know their gender identity … seemingly from the womb” is a claim with no basis in science or data.

‘It’s simply a concept imposed on the actions of kids by gender ideologues.’

Dr Richards said it was another sign of a ‘social contagion’ that is increasingly creeping into medicine.

‘I think even 25 years ago, this would have been unthinkable,’ he told

The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three. New patients are given counseling before exploring pharmaceutical options.

The clinic also offers that child ‘space and support’ to explore their gender.

Stella O’Malley, a psychotherapist who specializes in gender issues, told ‘When distressed and vulnerable young people are offered an option to be somebody different, it’s very, very alluring and gender ideology does offer that.’


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