Watch Your Mouth—You Are In A Canadian University Now
(1990) Bishop Tutu: NAZI slaughter of Jews was better than Apartheid
Black Christians in South Africa are no friends of the Whites. These disgusting people have turned on the Whites many time. Here is Tutu lying and pretending that Apartheid was WORSE than the (mythical) Jewish Holocaust (which never happened).
Posted on January 9, 2010
This author of the following bulletin is B.C. writer Tim Murray.
Once upon a time, a university could be described as an island oasis of free inquiry in a societal sea of intolerance. But in an age when cultural diversity has come at the cost of intellectual diversity, and ethnic harmony trumps free speech, the reverse is more true. You are likely to find more scope for dissenting opinions in a bar room debate than in these academic boot camps for political correctness.
Journalism schools are among the worst. Carleton University’s School of Journalism, for example, to use a friend’s characterization, seems little more than a farm team for the CBC. It would be a feat of immeasurable character for a young man or woman to enter this or any other Canadian university with an independent mind, run the gauntlet of four years of PC indoctrination and then emerge with an independent mind at the end.
By the time Canadian students are 22 years old, they have neural pathways that resemble concrete conduits, unable to think in alternative ways by mere virtue of lacking a vocabulary to frame the world differently than multicultural thought control allows. For a case in point, take a look at York University’s “coherent grouping of degree-credit courses” under the rubric of the Orwellian “Anti-Racist Research and Practice Certificate”.
Here are 2 paragraphs from York’s course description : (I have put significant words in quotation marks.)
In this certificate program, you will develop comprehensive knowledge about “how to challenge systemic and institutional racism”, with a special focus on addressing issues in the workplace, educational and health care sectors, “immigration”, law enforcement, media and the expressive arts. You will acquire a host of valuable skills including policy assessment and program planning, research design and implementation and “critical/analytical skills” .
The program’s major international collaborative research initiative, “Diaspora, Islam and Gender”, provides opportunities to participate in research activities as work/study students. Through this you would learn excellent research, interviewing and computer skills. You will also have the opportunity to take part in our annual symposium “Women’s Voices from the Middle East” .
This is all so fascinating. Students will be taught “to challenge systemic and institutional racism” but not when native-born Canadian Caucasian males are subject to discrimination obviously. “Systemic racism” against white whipping-boys does not qualify as racism. So don’t expect a phalanx of York university graduates to join the fight to “reverse” reverse discrimination. Police departments, fire halls and ivory towers can carry on their blatantly unwelcoming attitude to white male oppressors. Students will also acquire “critical/analytical skills”. Where? At York University–or any Canadian university today—-where historical revisionism, cultural relativism and ultra-feminism prevails?
And you have to love this research initiative, “Diaspora, Islam and Gender”. Excuse me, but weren’t the Jews the ones who have suffered the exile of diaspora for the past couple of millennia? Will this symposium on “Women’s Voices from the Middle East” give a podium to the voices of Israeli women too? The ones who have lost children to rocket attacks and family to terror bombings? Do only Palestinian women suffer in the Middle East? Don’t bet on this symposium offering a balanced discussion. At York University and a hundred like it, racism thrives under the banner of anti-racism, or sorry, anti-Zionism. This is the kind of milieu in which future CBC reporters are educated. This is where future CBC producers learn their sense of fair play.
And remember, this is just one program among many, and in just one Canadian post-secondary institution. A glance at other liberal arts departments in other schools would reveal more or less the same approach. And notice the rainbow of faces that are presented in every picture on university web sites. The subliminal message is, “This ain’t your place anymore—it is a global institution now and we serve a foreign clientele. Making them feel comfortable is priority number one. So watch your mouth.”
V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.