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Get a Free PDF Book: How to Master Secret Work
Much of what is in this book was probably written by the KGB and the South African Communist Party. In it‘s day the KGB was the biggest spying organisation on Earth, with tens of thousands of agents in America alone. They even operated in South Africa. This advice in this ANC Manual was published in Black Magazines in South Africa to teach the Blacks how to operate Covertly against the Whites.

[This has been passed to me. I have been aware for quite some time that the filthy Jewish scum in the USA are trying to destroy the German Germar Rudolf. They've been hunting him down in America and trying to find, by any means, a way to destroy him. They have been looking for any legal method to drag him into court. They also want to do a "Zundel" on him by getting him extradited from the USA so that they can toss him in a jail in Germany. There is no dirty trick these Jewish scum won't stoop to. Below are details on how to help Germar. This is something we should watch. The Jews are trying their UTMOST to destroy any Holocaust Truthers, and Germar is at the top of the list because of his special knowledge. I am concerned by the way that the Jews are hammering this topic and Whites must NOT imagine that just because Zundel, Irving, Leucheter and many others got the truth out about the holocaust that we have won. You don't understand Jews. As Alex Linder has pointed out, and as I can confirm from my own interactions with Jews, these hate-filled, German-hating Jewish scum will NEVER STOP LYING. This is NOT about the TRUTH. The Jews have invented their lie, and they will milk this lie until the end of time. The facts do not matter. The Jews will just invent new facts and new twists. This is too valuable to them and too critical to them. This is NOT about the TRUTH. It is about pushing the Jewish position forward so that they can endlessly claim (fake) victimhood, and can CHEAT GERMANS and CHEAT GERMANY until the end of time. They are ruthless scum who will lie to anyone and everyone the first chance they get. With Jews you are never in a debate. They will roll right over you. So people need to realise that the TRUTH about the holocaust and the TRUTH about WW2 and the TRUTH about Hitler, Nazis, Germany … will have to be FOUGHT FOR AND DEFENDED ENDLESSLY. We can never rest. The same is true for racialism and for the defense of Whites. Jews will NEVER accept these things. With Jews, THE WAR NEVER STOPS. They NEVER acknowledge the truth and don't care. They are THE PEOPLE OF THE LIE. And when they have a good lie, they milk it ruthlessly. This lie has probably enabled them to scam the Germans out of trillions of dollars by now. The lying, scamming and stealing never stops. For us, there is NEVER REST. When one generation of Whites dies, the next generation will have to fight the same old battle over and over. That's the reality. If anyone has more info on Germar Rudolf and helping him, feel free to send it to me. This is all I know so far below. Jan]

Sat, 5 Nov 2022 15:12:46 -0400

Dear friend,
The only way for Germar Rudolf to survive and not spend anywhere from 5-15 years in German prison is for this fundraising drive. He is currently in a toxic situation away from his family and hiding from Homeland Security who wants to deport him for his revisionist writings on the Holocaust.

I am appealing to you directly for help.

He is in dire straits. What happened to the late Ernst Zundel will happen to him, if we don’t help with his expenses to escape the USA.

As you may remember he spent time in German prison overlapping when the British historian David Irving was in prison for the Holocaust denial laws that Germar Rudolf will suffer again.

Let’s be generous.

He needs funds to get asylum in another country.

I beg you to help.

I never thought, I would ever have to beg for money for someone who will be sent to prison for thought crimes.

If you need more details call ☎️ or text me 24/7.

Click on the donation page below ⬇️:

Michael Santomauro

30 Paddle Boat Ln

Townhouse 🏠 202

Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

FaceTime, call ☎️ or text me:



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Video: NEW! DNA Proof that Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew & Jewish Lies about Lewis Carr
Here is the final DNA proof as well as actual photo of the Jew who was Jack the Ripper and the horrific story of this evil, hate-filled Jew. The Author of Alice in Wonderland was a very clever Englishman who was on to the Jews.

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