WANTED: Those Treasonous ex-South African Jews knifing the Whites in the back even now…
Video: Only Jews have a direct telephone line to God and they speak to him!
At first you might think this is really just about religion, but in fact, this discussion is not about religion. This is a discussion about other things.
Here is a comment someone published on my Bitchute Channel about the Jewish swines of South Africa, who fled the country:
And then after creating the mess in SA some Jews fled to America where they give talks about how horrible apartheid was and how terrible the White-man was down there. Such gall these rats have.
The above comment from someone on my Bitchute channel has made me think. I know that lots of Jews from SA, went to Australia, and the USA. I am looking for any videos where ex-South African Jews are talking, anywhere in the world, and where they tell people that life under Apartheid was bad. I would very much like to get videos of that, because I think it is important for me to show this to whites in SA even now to know that these two-faced swines are scewing them even now.
Pic: S.Africa: Apartheid & War: What Whites did with dead Black Terrorists!
Casspirs were one of the many amazing vehicles that were made in South Africa during the time of Apartheid.