WANTED: JEWISH ISRAELI SNIPERS & ATROCITIES: Evidence of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, especially sniper activity
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I am looking for proof of Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians. I have accumulated a bit of info on this. I am aware, but don’t have proof of Israelis sniping civilians. I know of the Israeli snipers boasting of killing 2 with one bullet: i.e. shooting a pregnant palestinian woman and thereby killing her unborn child as well.
There was also an American girl who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer – does anyone have the original film footage of this?
I am interested in photos and films of Israeli killings of civilians, especially video footage, but good graphic photos are also useful.
When I was in the USA, a very nice hispanic gentleman gave me a video that he said would blow my mind, and indeed it did. It was the story of Israeli snipers killing American troops in Iraq. The first time I ran it, I did not have sound on the PC I ran it on, and then as I watched it, I realised to my horror that I’m watching a sniper killing American troops. It was horrific. Only then did I discover, for the first time that a story came out that things were too quiet in Iraq, and so Israeli Mossad snipers were shooting American soldiers, both black and white. And it is on film.
This shocked me. This Israeli sniper shooting US troops, blew my mind. I had never conceived of such a thing. But then again if you know of the USS Liberty and 911, then you know what Israel, “America’s greatest ally in the Middle East” is really capable of.
The world’s political situation under American Leadership, is a topic of great fascination to me, and I think this has not been fully studied closely, and we whites in small countries have got serious problems with respect to what we can do. This is not just us whites in SA, but also whites in smaller European countries like Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, etc.
Now these Jews in South Africa are FIRM SUPPORTERS of the Apartheid state of Israel.
Something else I’ve been looking for is evidence that Israel is NOT the democracy that these Jews claim it is. Jews CLAIM that Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East, which I don’t believe. The Arabs have their own democracy their way and I don’t buy into the Jewish claim that Israel is the “only democracy” in the Middle East.
Any interesting, treasonous and bizarre Israeli stuff would be of interest especially their atrocities against Palestinians and Arabs.
The late great, Prime Minister of South Africa, Dr Hendrik Verwoerd, whom the Jews killed, which I will be discussing again, made a firm statement that Israel stole land from the Palestinians that they had for 1,000 years and that Israel IS AN APARTHEID STATE.
Video & Audio: Portuguese Angola: RACE WAR: When Whites counter-genocided Blacks
The blacks outnumbered the Portuguese 26:1 in Angola. By the end of the brutal year of 1961, for every 1 white who had been killed, the whites killed 24 blacks! Northern Angola turned into a human desert as the Portuguese killed and chased the blacks out of their territory.