Voting is Compulsory in Australia!!!
I am quite happy to do SHORTS or SUMMARIES of important videos that you think might reach a wider audience if I did something shorter. Just contact me and give me a list of videos, even really long ones, like 6 hours, if you want a SHORT or a SUMMARY. Then Ill fit it into my schedule and that way, in some weeks I might release a normal video plus a short or summary.
[An Australian reader wrote these fascinating comments. This is the first time that I've heard of voting being compulsory in a country. My own thinking, since I, like Alex Linder, don't vote, is that when people refuse to vote, that should fall into a special category, and if that number increases to a certain level then some kind of action needs to be taken. Its not a thing I've thought through properly, but I think when people REFUSE TO VOTE, that that itself is a vote against the system and it needs a special kind of treatment. I also think that voting for political parties is itself a subversion of the concept of voting. You should vote for PEOPLE. Like when Americans vote for a President. The Australian system is food for thought. Jan]
This is what the reader wrote:
Interesting. At least in Australia with compulsory voting, bad as it is, they know exactly how many votes to expect. Everyone on the electoral role has to vote or get a fine if they don’t give a valid reason. Compulsory voting does work in favour of the left though who would probably never win an election without it.
Video: JEWS106: Jewish Complexity: Source of their BEST LIES!
This is a very important video I did. I have been wanting to tackle the topic of Jewish complexity for a long time, because I have noticed that some of the best Jewish Lies come from a bogus complexity that Jews introduce into everything.