Viewer feedback on: Video & Audio: Professor Quigley: Evolution of Civilisation: How the American Elite Think


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Get a Free PDF Book: The White Mans Bible (1981) By Ben Klassen
Im very pleased to be giving away this old classic, which is designed only for white people and it includes commandments for the White Race!NB: This is NOT normal religious spiritual stuff. This is based on NATURE, REALITY, HISTORY and SCIENCE.NB: NB: Ben Klassen was a very far thinking White man who was concerned for our race. The Church of Creativity was his creation. The Church of Creativity existed in America, Britain and even in South Africa. In South Africa it existed in the early 1990s and was run by a Professor. The concept of Whites as CREATORS is very import. CREATORS say: ‘Our Race is our Religion‘.

[The comments below are from one of my readers regarding the
analysis I did of Professory Quigley who is a huge Liberal hero in
American academia. Video & Audio: Professor Quigley: Evolution
of Civilisation: How the American Elite Think –


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Hi Jan,
I decided to go ahead and write some feedback on the Quigley
I was very intrigued by your conclusions from studying
Quigley. I didn’t have much of an opinion about him myself,
although I know a friend who firmly believes he was an insider
privy to the secrets of the World Order.
However, I wasn’t aware of his work on the theory of
civilizations. That was very intriguing. I do see a certain
logic to Quigley’s framework, although as you say, there are
deep flaws. I believe one of his key insights is that there is
strength in numbers, both economically and in other ways. This
is one of the key weaknesses our movement has always had. While
we may possess many individuals with strength of character and
mind, this unfortunately can always be outweighed by sheer force
of numbers. Hitler talked about this some in Mein Kampf
and, as you mentioned, it played out in WWI and WWII, as well as
many other wars.
I think the elites of America (and probably other Western
countries) have definitely been duped into such a mindset. Part
of the problem is that the elites also see themselves in a class
of their own. They don’t consider themselves as “white” because
all other whites are inferiors, in their eyes. In their minds,
they constitute their own special class which has been
cultivated through decades (and sometimes centuries) of
carefully arranged marriages and meticulous bloodline
maintenance. They’ve tried to keep themselves unsullied from the
lower white families, and thus I don’t think they’ll ever see
race as we do.
This is probably part of what made Quigley’s theory appealing
to them. Because to them, it makes no real difference whether
they rule over a society of white lemmings or black lemmings;
they’re lemmings all the same, and the elites don’t much care
one way or the other. This may not have been as true in old
Europe (such as, e.g., old Russia pre-Bolshevik-Revolution); the
elites of old Russia did seem to have some compassion and
benevolence in their rulership, which was why the communists
exterminated them. This also seemed true in Germany and some
other countries. But in modern America, that’s definitely no
longer the case. The American elites often have no real care or
concern about the citizens beneath them.
You mentioned an old liberal family that seemed
upper-middle-class, but still vaguely patriotic. I think these
kinds of people are perhaps a little less arrogant, but they
still buy into Quigley’s thinking lock, stock, and barrel and
they don’t see race. I think they also consider America “growing
in numbers” as a good thing, regardless of what color those
numbers are.
In many ways, it’s very interesting as it reminds me of old
video games I used to play where you regulate resources and
troops to defeat the enemy. In many ways, the strategies people
adopt in these games are applicable in real life and Quigley’s
theory is similar, and reiterates many of these points.
Ultimately, raw manpower does have certain advantages and is a
valuable resource.
Your video explains to me now why the American military has
operated the way it has since WWII, and especially after the
death of George Patton. It almost seems paradoxical that we’ve
become a liberal, peacekeeper, empire-builder, conqueror,
quasi-colonizer, and international juggernaut / powerhouse all
rolled into one, but Quigley’s mindset seems to explain exactly
why this is the case. The key seems to be indeed that he has
removed race from the equation, or at least neutered it by
saying that all non-whites must be given “equal opportunity” to
be “truly scientific” as you said. This seems to have been their
foot in the door after WWII that got whites to all collectively
put their heads in the sand, with regards to race.
Many civilizations do indeed begin with a “mixing” process.
But as you say, this is only a positive thing when those of the
same racial makeup interbreed. In most cases, it seems that
inter-racial-mixing destroys civilizations, while
intra-racial-mixing seems to build up civilizations. Quigley
left this out of his framework, probably due to the subversive
communist influence infiltrating the world of academia
post-WWII. Whether he himself was part of the problem or just
going along with it, I can’t say.
The only problem with all this theory about manpower and
expansion, is that in video games and in Quigley’s theory, the
real-life consequences for white citizens are not part of the
equation. The suffering of whites is totally ignored. None of
the elites care about the pain common whites have to endure to
make this system work.
The white upper class is drunk on power and blind with
building up America in the “fastest way possible” according to
Quigleyan thinking. They’re trying to outdo the Chinese by
adopting Chinese tactics, almost. The difference is that they’re
trying to shortcut the problem by using immigration, whereas the
Chinese and others address the problem directly by controlling
birth rates.
Ultimately, this seems to be because they have a vision of a
new world, or a “new civilization” as you put it. The Jews (or
Babylonians, as I often call them; because they’re the spiritual
and cultural descendants of Babylon) are obviously trying to
create a new system of things where there are no more whites, or
perhaps only a small minority of white slaves. The rest of the
population will become a mix of all kinds of things.
This will ultimately lead to what Hitler said at the end of Mein
, chapter 2, that the “crown of their victory would
be the funeral wreath of the human race; and the planet would
drive through the ether once again empty of mankind, as it did
so many millions of years ago.” I see no other outcome resulting
from this plan. I think that ultimately the “new civilization”
they are building will be a return to total primitivism and
Neanderthalic life dominating the planet.
Eustace Mullins also talks about this in Christian terms in The
Curse of Canaan
, pp. 42-43:




div>[Note: in Mullins’ framework, he sees the
white race as Adamic, Christian, Shemites. Adam & Eve
were white, in his explanation of things. Thus Adamic =
white = Christian = Shemites. The Jews are referred to as
Canaanites and the inventors of Freemasonry. The
Canaanites are also considered the descendants of Satan.
It’s sort of a Christian Identity perspective, but not
quite like what the modern proponents of it teach (e.g.
Eli James, etc.). Mullins is more grounded in real history
and exegesis.]

In Cabala*, evil takes on a mysterious existence of its own, which its precepts trace back to the physical appearance of life on earth, or Adam. Cabala claims that Adam throws the entire stream of life out of balance, and that the Church, or Christianity, by formalizing the physical existence of the Adamite people on earth, have become a problem which must be resolved. This is the essence of the basic anti-life principle underlying all Cabala and its heir, Freemasonry. These precepts declare that Satanism will achieve its final triumph over the Church and Christianity, thus ending the “dualism” of this world, the struggle between good and evil. In short, the problem of good and evil will be ended when evil triumphs and good is eliminated from the earth. This program may sound somewhat simplistic, but it is the basic premise of the Cabala and Freemasonry.

These anti-life precepts are now to be encountered, and dealt with, in many of the developments of our civilization. The descendants of the Canaanites instinctively hate and actively oppose such progress as technology, urban life, industrialism, and the cultural achievements of humanity. Their basic goal is to return the earth to the primitivism of its pre-Adamic state, when a Neanderthal type of human roamed at will over an earth which had no “civilized” aspects to remind him of his primitivism. The end purpose is to “restore” pre-Adamic man, so that Adamite man, as a creation of God, no longer presents an obstacle to Satan and his rule over this world. Thus cabbalistic Freemasonry aims for the extermination of life as we know it, culminating in the final triumph of the Canaanite Curse on this earth. In retrospect, this amazing observation offers an irrefutable reason for the otherwise inexplicable massacres, wars, and human devastation which have been regularly visited upon a long-suffering humanity by the Canaanite conspirators.

  • Cabala appears in various spellings through history, principally “Cabala.” Also Kabbalah, Kabala, etc.

I ultimately don’t know how this problem can be solved. Even if the white movement got ahold of Quigley’s data and were able to present their case in his framework, the elites are already so sold on their interpretation of Quigley, that I don’t think it will work. If this were to occur, we could reach critical mass, but we’ve always had great difficulty in our movement in reaching critical mass. It has only ever occurred in certain countries and under certain circumstances. It may be possible, but so many elites are so far-gone in their thinking, and they wouldn’t dare go against the grain so as to incur the wrath of their fellow elites.

I think Quigley’s data may have some useful info for us in building our OWN new civilization, but I don’t think we can do anything to rescue the one that is currently collapsing. I would be interested to know who Quigley took his inspiration from. Perhaps there is another white thinker out there who had a clearer view of things than Quigley did.

Hopefully you can make sense of all my rambling!


Take care.

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S.Africa: Animal sex: Black man arrested, goat dies
The Goats were screaming! Villagers at Ga-Ratisi in the Northern Province holding an all-night vigil arrested a naked man early on Sunday morning, who is believed to have committed bestiality with a goat which later died.

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