Video: Young White American woman fights back … Black violence in Fast Food outlet


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Video & Audio: Jews wage War on Whites using Herd Methods
I discuss Whites as Herds, and how Whites in the White Right behave. I also look at what Jews do to Whites to harm the natural herd behaviour of Whites. I tell the story of a guy here in South Africa who became extremely popular when he tackled the issue of crime, and what happened to him.

[This is so disgusting. I look at Black Americans and I ask myself: What has 157 years of "freedom" and equal treatment, by Whites, of Blacks in America resulted in? When I look at Black Americans, not only here on video, but when I was in the USA, I don't see much, if any difference between them and the Blacks here in Africa. What makes my skin crawl, if how much Whites in America tolerate Black violence. Whites will have to learn to stick together and to fight back. Seriously. It's disgusting. Look at this young White woman. She really fought back the best she could and she was brave. I laughed a lot when the fat Black woman climbed over the counter to hit the young White woman and the Black woman plummeted to the ground. Make no mistake: JEWS the creators of MISCHIEF and VIOLENCE are behind these racial stresses. JEWS ARE STOKING UP BLACKS EVERYWHERE AGAINST WHITES. Jan]

Here’s the Twitter video:

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White Shop: Hitlers Revolution: Ideology, Social Programs, Foreign Affairs
Drawing on over 200 German sources, many pre-1945, Hitlers Revolution provides concise, penetrating insight into the National Socialist ideology and how it transformed German society. The governments success at relieving unemployment and its social programs to eliminate class barriers unlock the secret to Hitlers undeniable popularity.

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