Video: White Revolution is COMING! – Song: Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond


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Video: Video: Something hillarious happened in Germany recently
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[Here's another sign that Whites are GATVOL (South African for: FED UP!). Listen to the words of this song by this White American. Those words have meaning. Those are words about how the rich kick the poor down. But most importantly, this song got 54 million views in about 2-3 weeks!!! Whites, REVOLUTION is coming! Remember what Napoleon said: You can't START a revolution … and you can't STOP A REVOLUTION!!! Not even the US Government, the Army, the Air Force, the Cops … can stop a REAL REVOLUTION! The Jews won't be able to stop it … the elite won't be able to stop it. If enough people are angry … it will roll. And there are more than enough Whites in America to make it happen. Just EDUCATE PEOPLE! I think White Revolution will be coming EVERYWHERE including in Europe and South Africa. The next 10 – 20 years will be very interesting. Whites are getting GATVOL and ANGRY! It's a great sign. It's a sign of life. Jan]

Here’s the video:

You can read more about Oliver Anthony here, and listen to other songs by him:

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