Video: What happened to the lovely White Teacher shot by the Black brat? – Abigail Zwerner no longer works for the school division


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#HateSpeechHell: South African Censorship & anti-White Hell
Here are the crazy laws that White South Africans have to be wary of. You can go to jail so easily in South Africa.

[This is the most recent news item I could find on this. This is from 2 months ago. But what about suing that disgusting Black-run school? And the little Black brat? What of that? All quiet and covered up hey… rest assured … JEWS AT WORK! Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!

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