Video: Weird Physics: Very Bizarre recurring Nuclear Explosions in space: We’re About to Witness a Once in a Lifetime Space Explosion Visible From Everywhere


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South Africas 816 millionaire police bosses!
There are an estimated 816 employees in the South African Police Service (SAPS), including the minister of police and the deputy minister, who earn between R1.1 million and R2.7 million.

[The science behind this is very amazing. I've never heard of this concept before. What's also fascinating, is that really OLD astronomical observations from 300 and 600 years ago, helped scientists to get their estimates right. If they are right there's going to be something that everyone in the northern hemisphere can see. Whether it will be bright enough in the sky for us to see in SA I don't know. This guy thinks almost everyone will be able to see it. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
This American Christian woman exposed the Jews massively in this book in 1963. Later versions of the book had chunks removed regarding the evil Jewish Talmud. She detested communism and was pro-Axis during WW2. She was a heroine.

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