Video: VERY IMPORTANT: Ukraine: NERDS AT WAR: White civilians with drones are fighting the Russians…
Video & Audio: Gods of War: When the Germans didnt stand a chance! The Battle of Crete
This was a battle the Germans should never have won. They didnt know it, but EVERYTHING was stacked against them. If Hitler and the Generals had known the real facts, they would NEVER have launched this attack.
Here you can see Whites doing their thing, using off-the-shelf technology to find Russians. I think you’re beginning to see Nerd warfare and what Nerds can pull off. As a nerd myself, I’ve been thinking for a very long time about race warfare and all out warfare and what can be done. Here you are seeing Whites in a war, FIRST WORLD STYLE … and look at what the White man’s magic can achieve. They are using drones to look for the enemy. I’ve also seen drones filming fights from the air. But, a critically important thing that you can do with drones is ARTILLERY SPOTTING. That might actually be the secret to why the Russian tanks are being slaughtered. I’m not sure of the state of the Russian air force, but the Russian armour is being hit really hard.
If I had to hazard a guess from what I’ve seen, I am wondering if drones are being used for artillery spotting and whether that is why the tanks are taking additional losses. If artillery, guided by drones is supplementing the hand held Javelin and NLAW weapons, then that could be what is making the Russian armour stand still.
The Russians are amazingly stuck on ROADS. This is fascinating. Advancing on roads is a big aspect of war, but you need to go beyond roads. It is as if the Russians have ARMOUR but NO INFANTRY!!! Where is the Russian Infantry?
WHITE PEOPLE, TAKE NOTE: You can learn how to OVERTHROW your own ELITE. We can use these methods to fight racial conflicts AND to overthrow the filthy pedophile scum. Look at these Whites. Study this carefully. I’m warning you, there are many lessons to be learned here. I have been thinking for the last 20 years how to fight a race war, outnumbered, and I’ve been thinking a lot about all forms of technology.
About the Russians being stuck on roads, under Apartheid Rule, the awesome South African Army looked into that problem and solved that problem probably better than anyone since the Germans. South African vehicles were all built to be able to function off road at any time.
There is a down side to the internet too. And there are times things should be shut down and removed. There are also times when you need to find the journalists and put a bullet in the back of their heads too.
I think the danger is that the Russians should be able to pick up the signals from the nerds commanding the drones and the Russians could shell them. However, the Russian jamming of phones and drones does not seem to be doing well at all.
Another mystery has been why are the Russians fighting so much at night? And where is the Russian INFANTRY? The troops on the ground? I see none. Just armoured columns.
Anyhow, check out the nerds:
Zimbabwe: Blast from the Past: 2001: Driving out White Farmers: 21 White Farmers in jail
This is from the time the Blacks were driving Whites off their farms in Zimbabwe.