Video: VERY IMPORTANT: PROBABLY A JEWISH DECEPTION TO ATTACK IRAN: Iran is within ’48 hours’ of having capac ity to build nuclear weapons, fmr US gen says
White Shop: Adolf Hitler Painting: Courtyard in central Munich
The Fuhrer was a talented artist and this is one of his most famous watercolors. It is a picture of a Courtyard in central Munich just round the corner from the Hofbrau House.
[This General says that the Jew Blinken says that Iran is about 2 days away from being able to build nuclear weapons. This sounds very much like hyped up Jewish crap if you ask me. It's a kind of pointless statement. What exactly does he mean? Does he mean they are about to finish enriching some Uranium? Even when your uranium is enriched, you still need to actually build weapons. I doubt that the Iranians are days away from nuking Israel. Keep in mind the Jews have about 200 nuclear weapons of their own. I find it amazing that the possibility of Iran building even one weapon is a huge threat to Israel. It looks to me as if this is nothing more than an excuse for Israel to launch many attacks on Iran itself using missiles and its air force. That's what these Jews are aiming for. But Iran is big, and even if they destroy their nuclear program, Iran is still there and will be there for years. It is interesting that Russia does not directly give Iran the nuclear answers. That shows that the Russians are pretty scared themselves of actually helping someone to build nukes BECAUSE THE WEST WILL KNOW. I think this scare story's main goal is to JUSTIFY an IMMEDIATE ATTACK ON IRAN. I think so. It will probably be in the weeks or months to come. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Die Boere Staat Party - Kontak Ons
Hierdie is die Kontak ons-bladsy vir die Boere Staatsparty.