Video: Very Funny: The best Chinese Commercial EVER: Washing … and Race…


Jan‘s Advertisement
Cartoon: S.Africa: In Hell, the Devil said Lets get this party started
Let me explain this cartoon. On the far left is President FW De Klerk, who handed over SA to Black rule ergo hes a traitor....

[For once, in a rare While, I actually enjoy something from the Chinese. This is awesome actually. Of course Jews won't shriek when the Chinese do it. If Whites did it, Jews would go beserk being the assholes that they are. Jan]

Here’s the video:

Jan‘s Advertisement
USA:Colin Powell: In 20 Years Whites will be a Minority in America:Is there a future for Republicans
2008: General Colin Powell the racist. Colin Powell is supposedly a Republican but what a fence-sitter he is, and like with Oprah, they all just went and supported Obama because hes black.

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