Video: US Senators ask about the death of the Jew paedophile Epstein – My Comments
Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 1 of 3
This is Part 1 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.
[Let me tell you, when I look more closely at this matter, I'm telling you that the "death" of Epstein was done at a TOP SECRET LEVEL. Everyone, including the lady answering the questions, know the REAL ANSWER. There's no doubt in my mind that the "death" of Epstein WAS TOTALLY ORGANISED AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS. Now they pretend they don't know what was going on. Was Epstein MURDERED or is he in Israel? That's the only unknown. This discussion below is nothing more than something done to make "the people" believe something is being investigated when in fact, it's all pre-arranged. Jan]
“Christmas ornaments, drywall and Jeffrey Epstein – name three things that don’t hang themselves. That’s what the American people think…and they deserve some answers."
S.Africa: Black man tries to have sex with dead cat
Sterkfontein is a mental hospital. But it is full. They wanted to put this 18 Year old Black in there ...