Video: Ukraine War: Russians pulling 2S7 Pion world’s most powerful artillery out of storage…


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This is from one of the latest war reports:

Russian forces continued to withdraw additional military equipment to commit to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Satellite imagery showed that Russian forces withdrew 60 units of 2S7 Pion howitzers from storage at the 9th Arsenal in Omsk, Russia as of July 18.[32] Satellite imagery previously showed that the arsenal had 170 howitzers in early April and 135 in early June. The UK Defense Ministry also reported that Russian forces are continuing to face challenges in repairing combat vehicles as witnessed by at least 300 damaged vehicles (main battle tanks, armored personnel carriers, and support trucks) at the refit and refurbishment facility near Barvinok, Belgorod Oblast.[33]

The 2S7 Pion is a fascinating piece of artillery. It can fire huge shells, 55Km. What amazes me the most about it, and this is extremely cool, is that it looks as if you can use it as a mortar. I need to look more closely into that.

But here’s a video that shows it in use:

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