Video: The Canadian REVOLUTION rolls forward: AMERICAN REINFORCEMENTS from ALASKA!!!


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Video & Audio: An amazing lesson in Group Unity from a nasty WW2 Battle on the Eastern Front
In this video we look at a very strange and utterly nasty event that the German Army had to deal with in WW2 on the Eastern Front.

[Yay. This is INSANELY AWESOME. Truly wonderful. WHITE POWER! All peaceful, but totally businesslike and showing their firmness. Just AWESOME! Watch this short video to the end. It's bloody awesome. The Truckers, the farmers … all the Whites… are just rolling in and bringing Canada to a halt. But watch the end of the video, you'll laugh!! THE CANADIAN REVOLUTION… is ROCKING LIKE CRAZY!!!! Jan]


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Video: Video: Jewish Mind Poison: The End Times
The most damaging idea that can take hold of any person is the terrible concept of The End Times. For much of my life I believed in this dreadful idea. I was open to Christian prophecy and all other prophecy. I wasted a large part of my life trying to prove all these things true.

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