Video: SONDERBERICHT: Der Prinz, der Geheimnisse birgt – Die idiotischen halbjüdischen Idioten der britischen K önigsfamilie
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Video & Audio: WW2 Lies: The Real SECRET Reason why Russia survived the German Invasion: The USA!!!
In October 1941, Hitler claimed that Russia had been totally defeated and it would never rise again. Modern Russians lie about WW2 claiming that they beat the Germans without any real help.
Video & Audio: WW2 Lies: The Real SECRET Reason why Russia survived the German Invasion: The USA!!!
In October 1941, Hitler claimed that Russia had been totally defeated and it would never rise again. Modern Russians lie about WW2 claiming that they beat the Germans without any real help.
[Die britische Königsfamilie ist so ein Haufen Idioten, und dann haben sie diesen Idioten, der mit dem jüdischen Pädophilen Epstein zu tun hatte… Sex mit minderjährigen Mädchen…. Die britische Königsfamilie ist so ein Müll. Januar]
Hier ist das Video:
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Video & Audio: The FBI Visits Alex Linder about: #TimeToKill
Alex talks about how, 3 weeks ago, 2 FBI agents (white men) came to his house and talked to him about his hash tag: #TimeToKill which he used on Gab some time back.
Video & Audio: The FBI Visits Alex Linder about: #TimeToKill
Alex talks about how, 3 weeks ago, 2 FBI agents (white men) came to his house and talked to him about his hash tag: #TimeToKill which he used on Gab some time back.