Video: Russians speak: Russian Professor says Germans are still NAZIS who want to invade Russia
Video: The European Race as an Immortal Biological Animal
What are Whites? Are we individuals or groups or some other arrangement? Professor Quigley raised this question for all humans. He also explained what Hitler thought. One day I had an interesting side chat with Matt Hales Mom and another lady, and the subject of Immortal Animals came up.
[Here is Russian TV again. This is the show of the Jew propagandist. Here is a Russian professor. Listen to what he says about the Germans. He says Germans have not changed in 80 years. In other words, he is saying Germans are still NAZIs who want to invade them, destroy them and steal from them!! What a load of rubbish that is! The Germans have bent over backwards to make peace with the Russians AT ALL COSTS in recent decades. He even attacks the Jewish Polish communist hag Merkel, who has been selling Germany out. The Germans have not lifted a finger against Russia – the same people who invaded them, raped 2 million women and stole their technology and their scientists which made Russia able to have jet aircraft, missiles and a space program. All of that came from what the Russians STOLE FROM THE GERMANS – after raping their women. This guy is talking shit. But this is the kind of scary crap that they tell the Russians. Jan]
Here’s the video:
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