Video: Russians speak: EXCELLENT: Discussion with a Commander on the Front line & Russian says every man is born to be a soldier
2 Photos: 1892: When White Americans burned a Black man to death for raping a White woman!
White men in the USA used to take no shit. This is what they did to a black who raped a white woman. Whites have a tough, harsh justice system.
[This is brilliant. A MUST WATCH video. A very important Russian TV personality goes to the Front Line. Solovyov is a very famous personality in Russia. He is like the Goebbels of modern Russia. So you see things from a Russian perspective. They even have a discussion about the Internet and the conclusions people draw from it. This is a very interesting discussion between Russians. I don't know the rank of this soldier he is talking to but I'm sure he is a commander or an officer of some kind because he is asking him about ammunition, etc. A normal soldier would not be able to answer such things. They mention the Internet and conclusions drawn from the Internet about Russian soldiers, Wagner, etc. They say they are fighting LGBT and Satanists. I'm amazed how the White Right believes in Russian Christianity these days, when in fact Putin was created in the time of Communism in the old KGB and he says openly that the collapse of the SOVIET UNION was the worst disaster ever! Putin's Russians are playing to a wider audience in the West than in the days of the Soviet Union. They know the importance of propaganda. This is a weakness of modern Germans due to the Jewish sacks of shit telling so many lies about Germany, Hitler, NAZIS and the amazing Third Reich. That needs to be fixed as well. Returning to the video you'll see the Russians quietly actually showing you some truths. Like these soldiers were in PRISON! They chose to leave prison and to fight!! Clearly they were given that option. I don't know who Olga is who he wants to take to court. He says she is lying. I don't know who she is. If anyone knows then send me a video of her. Listen to the way he rationalises why the prisoners and those who committed horrific crimes and why they are now fighting for their Motherland. Also look at how many different types of people he quotes. This is proof that Russia is an empire. These Russians are themselves saying things that I have been saying: It is the end of the shopping mall fantasy. They are indicating that things have changed forever and Globalism has ended. They're saying it is time for war … WAR FOREVER. They're telling you this. One of the Russians lies openly and says: "Russia has only ever waged defensive wars". That's a total lie. Ask the Whites of Finland about that!! Their nightmare was in the winter of 1939. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video: The European Race as an Immortal Biological Animal
What are Whites? Are we individuals or groups or some other arrangement? Professor Quigley raised this question for all humans. He also explained what Hitler thought. One day I had an interesting side chat with Matt Hales Mom and another lady, and the subject of Immortal Animals came up.