Video: Medically Unfit for Presidency: BRAIN DAMAGED: Did Biden Just Tell the World He Doesn’t Know Where His Office Is Located?
A VERY comprehensive, detailed list of Jewish power Everything the Jews control in the USA
This is the most comprehensive and detailed list (with breakdowns and percentages) of Jewish power that Ive yet seen. This is stunning.
[Strictly speaking Biden should be removed as the President for being medically unfit for the office. This should be as obvious as hell – over and above the fact that he's a traitor to his own race and country. He must be the worst President America has ever had – which is saying something when you're competing against lazy mixed race communists and faggots like Obama or Bill Clinton a Marxist murderer or the weak pathetic Jimmy Carter. For me to think that Biden might be worse than OBAMA … I can't believe I'm saying that. I actually struggle to watch videos about Biden, because I am so embarrassed to even watch this stuff. Biden can say the most pointless things. He's such a pathetic man. A waste of White skin I tell you. IF A MAN CAN'T COMMAND PEOPLE AND CAN'T COMMAND RESPECT THEN HE CANNOT BE A LEADER. Biden is the worst example of a leader I've ever seen. It's because he is ill – among many other things Jan]
Here’s the short video:
We have seen all sorts of gaffes from Joe Biden, from mispronouncing words to forgetting people’s names. But this latest incident may be a new low even for him.
In a Wednesday speech he gave at Ulster University during his visit to Northern Ireland, Biden seemed to suggest that he had no idea where his office is located, saying it is located at the “United States Capitol.“
“As you walk into my office in the Oval Office in the United States Capitol,” Biden said, leading many to question if he was saying that his office was located on Capitol Hill and not at the White House.
In reaction to the bizarre statement, The First tweeted, “This is a national emergency.”
Now, Biden may have actually said that his office was located in the “capital,” as in Washington, D.C., which would be correct, and people often do get the two words mixed up.
He also may have just misspoke because he mentions the White House only a few seconds later. So he does seem to know where his office is located, so it is probably wise to give him the benefit of the doubt — this time.
But what is important is the reaction that people had to this statement. In addition to The First calling it “a national emergency,” another Twitter user wrote that this was simply what one could expect from a president like Biden.
“When you install a clown… expect a circus.”
Others took the statement at face value, saying that it seems as if Biden genuinely has no idea where his office is.
Biden may know where his office actually is, but enough people think that he does not — and that makes him look silly and incompetent. This is the image that Biden has presented to Americans, a weak and witless leader.
In addition, I am sure once again that our enemies, particularly Russia and China, are seeing this and telling their people that the leader of the free world does not even know where his office is.
Biden promised that his administration would put the adults back in charge, but so far, it does not seem like that is the case.
You will remember that in April 2024, before I climbed on a plane to fly to the USA and Canada, that the US Government suddenly cancelled my VISA and I was prevented from climbing on a plane.