Video: Massive Election FRAUD Bombshell! – DONE BY COMPUTER AS I SUSPECTED: 450,000 flipped votes!


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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: UFOs, Germans in Antarctica; Vietnam War & much more!
We began our chat with me discussing military secrecy and a video I did called: How America built UFOs which really is about military secrecy.

[Here is an amazing bombshell that tells you exactly what was going on. Just as I mentioned, the computer software is programmed to determine just how many votes need to be flipped and where, and that's how the election is stolen. So in this case the computers flipped 450,000 votes and the shitbag, creep, Biden, "wins". Now what is needed is to look into these machines and the software and get to the root of the matter. I really wish people will end up going to jail for this. But first things first, I want to see Trump winning. That's the most important thing. Jan]

Watch this 6 minute video, it’s a bombshell:

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Video: How America built UFOs
This video is about military secrecy. We study a documentary from 2011 when a lot of Area 51 information was declassified and when some people, including a high level CIA official were allowed to speak.I discuss my time when I was young when I was in the South African Navy and I handled Secret and Top Secret files and how these things work in real life.

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