Video: List of US Congressmen & Women to Hang At the White House Gallows?
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
This American Christian woman exposed the Jews massively in this book in 1963. Later versions of the book had chunks removed regarding the evil Jewish Talmud. She detested communism and was pro-Axis during WW2. She was a heroine.
[This was published on Beforeitsnews, with the comments below. However, the actual video is about FALSE claims that in 2017 there were military tribunals which were going to or had executed the American traitors. A VERY SAD FACT, is that the Military is discrediting itself ever more in the eyes of the masses, that with time, I think White Americans won't support their own military, and in decades yet to come might even turn against their own military – along with HORDES of FORMER MILITARY, now civilians. But that's still far away. It is extremely sad that Q Anon and other groups are putting out JUNK information, outright lies in fact, about the arrest or execution of various political traitors, which is in fact not true. It appears to me that US Intelligence Agencies are creating "fake hopium" using the false basis that the military, is SECRETLY arresting and hanging people. This will fool the weak, but in reality, in the long term, this will backfire on the military and the intelligence and police services when White Americans, en masse, begin to realise that the military itself has been co-opted and they are TRAITORS TO WHITE AMERICANS. So this type of trickery, LIKE ALL TRICKERY, will have limited value for a few years, until everyone is on to them. There is a writer on the internet, Benjamin Fulford. He has written this kind of TOTAL FCKING SHIT, for YEARS NOW. He writes about secret wars the military is waging against the (((Elite))) which they are winning. Of course, if these are secret wars, how does he know about it? Why would he know about it? Why would he be allowed to even speak about it. I've read tons of Benjamin Fulford TOTAL CRAP and it disgusts me. I prefer what is written on Beforeitsnews – that in fact, Whites should be thinking seriously about whites POLITICIANS TO HANG in the future. Definitely. But I would add, that *LOTS of Rich and (((businessmen))) are enormous traitors who are the driving forces behind these things. People should also consider which of them should be hanged in the future at the White House Gallows. Whites in other Western countries should also be looking at their own countries and starting to look at WHO ARE THE LOCAL TRAITORS THERE TOO!!! There are thousands, and very likely, tens of thousands of powerful scum who have engaged in the most massive RACIAL TREASON in the history of the Western world. It's not just politicians. You'll see MONEY is the great enabler of madness and the utmost treason. Anyway, here's what is written on BeforeItsNews. And the link to the video is below. I was chuckling to myself though. Once Whites begin making lists of traitors to our race, we might find entire notebooks filled with the long, long lists of those who need to be hanged! We might have a damned paper shortage!!! Jan]
Here’s the video:
by N.Morgan
The time is here for those who have wronged this country to be held accountable. According to MAORI MORPHEUS the very first list of some of the 93 US Congressmen and women that will hang in front of the Whitehouse for TREASON !!!
The gallows are awaiting!!! More coming!
S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
At one point AIDS was killing Blacks like crazy. Then the West came and saved their worthless lives.