Video: Liberal Scum MSM: Trump’s prison fears mount as Jack Smith drops new subpoenas after 2 indictments – My Comments


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Video: Jews as a CANCER in Western Society: How Jews DISTORT White Society
There are Jews who have referred to Whites as a Cancer. I look at Jews as a Cancer inside White society.

[These idiots and fools want Trump in prison so badly so that their degenerate sack of shit, Joe Biden, can win the next election. I do like what Trump is going to try by having the trial broadcast. That would be awesome. They have to play DIRTY because otherwise White America would vote for Trump AGAIN! Jan]

Here’s the video:

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GoyimTV: About HandSome Truths Shout Outs to Jan Lamprecht of History Reviewed
I want to take a moment to address something that has come up multiple times regarding Handsome Truth of GoyimTV and his shout-outs to me.

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