Video: Jordan Peterson (Peterstein) performing deep throat … in ISRAEL! – My Comments
White Shop: Solitaire (one player) Board Game: The Confederate Rebellion
A game by award-winning designer David Kershaw, The Confederate Rebellion is a grand strategy solitaire simulation of the American Civil War.
[Part of the title of this came from one of my supporters. I'm telling you, Peterson is either a JEW who somehow HID the fact that he is a Jew (which many do). Or he is a crypto Jew. Perhaps, perhaps, he's not a Jew, just a disgusting weak piece of shit (waste of White skin). I've seen small bits of his talk to the dumb Israeli Jew audience. I can't believe that he actually appeals to them. But then again Jews are such weak scum that all kinds of things appeal to them. Peterson IS AN ENEMY OF ALL WHITE PEOPLE. This guy is real scum. Anyhow, watch this short and totally stupid moment in Israel. I just shake my head at this. This is NOT the way any White male should behave – at all – ever. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video: The Two Emperors of the White Race
Napoleon & Hitler: Why did they succeed? I analyse & give the background to the ONLY 2 white men who united most of Europe & ruled most whites in the last 200 years.